
The Debt Limit Fight May Have Long-Term Budget Consequences

Doug Criscitello joins the podcast to discuss the effects of a prolonged fight and how it will affect government operations.


CEOs Downplay Anticipated Gridlock on Capitol Hill, Defense Spending Cuts

Lockheed, Raytheon chiefs also say pandemic-era supply-chain woes are subsiding.


Biden, Democrats to U.S. House Republicans: Show Us Your Debt Limit Plan

The Treasury Department has been using accounting maneuvers to continue paying all of the country’s bills in full and on time.


The House Wants Agencies to Reveal the Deals They Cut to Avoid Lengthy Legal Battles

The settlement agreements federal agencies enter into would become more transparent under a bill passed Tuesday.


Agencies Are Emphasizing Skills and Experience in Hiring. The House Has Voted to Make it Official.

The measure would bring civil service law in line with initiatives already underway to improve how the federal government recruits and hires new workers.

Pay & Benefits

Oversight Republicans Demand Answers from OPM on FEHBP Fraud Risk Report

House Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer claimed, without evidence, that the insurance program for federal employees is “riddled” with ineligible participants.


House Republicans Take a Big Swing at Regulations 

But the likelihood of home runs isn’t high due to the Democrats controlling the Senate and the White House. 


Former Oversight Chair: Republicans Just Want to ‘Investigate and Destroy’

Former Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., decried the direction of her former committee and Republican priorities in the new Congress. 


House GOP Would Make It Easier for Feds to Give Public Lands Away to States

House Republicans had an identical rule when they controlled the chamber from 2017 to 2019.


Congress Investigates Presidents, the Military, Baseball and Whatever It Wants – a Brief Modern History of Oversight

The House GOP has announced a slew of investigations, including a review of the conduct of the Department of Justice and its investigations of Donald Trump.

Breaking News Defense

Pentagon Rescinds COVID-Vaccine Mandate

The move was required by the 2023 defense policy bill. Troops who were ejected for refusing the vaccine may petition for a change in their discharge status.


Clawing Back IRS Funding Is Just the Beginning for Agency Spending Reductions, House Republicans Say

The House on Monday voted to unwind an unprecedented spending surge at IRS and Republicans promised more such efforts are on the way.


Inflation Costs Present Both Barrier, Opportunity For Contractors In 2023

With a fiscal 2023 federal budget in-hand, contractors face both the prospect of a robust year and countervailing cost trends, Deltek says. 


Coronavirus Roundup: A New Year Brings New Priorities, Including Another COVID Oversight Panel

There's a lot to keep track of. Here’s this week's list of news updates and stories you may have missed.


With a New Congress, Comes Another Try for Biden’s Nominees

“We seek the swift confirmation of many critical, crucial, high-qualified nominees to serve across the administration,” said White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre.