Updated Oversight

House committee leaders want Biden to oust the acting Commerce IG

Lawmakers on the House Science, Space and Technology Committee said the current acting inspector general is “entangled” in the allegations that led to his predecessor’s ouster, adding that they lack confidence in “any” senior staffers to lead the watchdog office.

Updated Oversight

Key senator calls for pause to DeJoy’s changes at USPS

The Postal Service is not being transparent with Congress about its reform efforts, committee chairman says. USPS disputes the claim.


GOP bill aims to limit IRS’ use of AI

The legislation — cosponsored by Reps. Clay Higgins, R-La., and Eric Burlison, R- Mo. — could look to put new restrictions on the tax agency’s deployment of AI in its revenue enforcement efforts and require staff to launch new investigations. 


D.C. lawmaker wants to restore due process to feds in ‘sensitive’ posts

A new bill would overrule a 2013 federal appellate court decision that denied roughly 200,000 federal employees access to the Merit Systems Protection Board.

Exclusive Oversight

House GOP launches investigation into DOJ's immigration judge 'gag order'

Top lawmakers say the Biden administration is inhibiting free speech and circumscribing congressional oversight.

Pay & Benefits

“It feels impossible to stay”: The U.S. needs wildland firefighters more than ever, but the federal government is losing them

Highly skilled firefighters are the last line of defense against wildfires, but that line is fraying because the government decided long ago that they’re not worth very much.


Lawmakers, employee groups call for a permanent increase in federal firefighter pay

Under current measures implemented by the Biden administration, federal wildland firefighters will face yet another “pay cliff” this fall.


Pentagon budget request aims to balance congressional limits, foreign needs, and innovation

“This should be the wake-up call that tells us we need to be buying different stuff,” one expert said.


Biden uses State of the Union to paint Republicans as barriers

The president scolded former President Trump and House GOP lawmakers for scuttling a bipartisan plan to boost border agency staffing, and frequently touted governmental investments enacted without Republican support.


2 days before a shutdown, House sends $460B spending package to Senate

The measure, which would require small spending cuts at many agencies, heads to the Senate.


Congress' minibus spending deal could potentially avert firefighter pay cliff

Lawmakers have until Friday evening to pass the first of two spending packages that will run until Sept. 30.


Congress reaches fiscal 2024 funding deal, new stopgaps in hopes of averting shutdown

Lawmakers must act in a hastened and united fashion to pass the new CR before funding expires this week.


Budget impasse freezes two Space Force efforts, leaders say

This year’s spending caps will boost future costs, acting Air Force undersecretary adds.


VA secretary says he ‘failed’ in recognizing office harassment allegations

Veterans Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough candidly admitted fault during a House committee hearing for not discerning more quickly whistleblower complaints of sexual harassment within a department office.


On take two, House impeaches DHS secretary

Alejandro Mayorkas becomes the first cabinet secretary to be impeached in nearly 150 years.


House fails to impeach DHS secretary

Alejandro Mayorkas is no longer in peril after the failed vote. If the measure had passed, it would have been the first time a cabinet secretary had been impeached in nearly 150 years.