Pay & Benefits

A Guide to Pay and Benefits During a Shutdown

Although lawmakers ultimately expect to reach a deal on federal appropriations, failure to pass a bill before Friday’s deadline could lead to a short lapse in funding. Here's what feds need to know.


Broad Coalition of Employee, Advocacy Groups Makes Last-Ditch Effort to Convince Congress to Block Schedule F

With just days remaining until the latest government shutdown deadline, more than 60 organizations are pressuring Democratic lawmakers to ensure spending legislation includes a provision preventing the Trump administration from politicizing the civil service.


Defense Policy Bill Includes Bipartisan Provision for Greater Transparency on Federal Spending

The bill will create a central inventory of spending information, which good government groups say is overdue.  


Election Commission Regains Quorum and Resumes Full Duties, Facing a Massive Backlog of Work 

There are 446 matters before the agency and 275 staff reports awaiting decisions from the commissioners. 

Pay & Benefits

House Overwhelmingly Passes Defense Bill With Leave Benefits, Setting Up Confrontation with Trump

Although the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act has bipartisan support in both chambers of Congress, the president has threatened to veto the must-pass bill over unrelated matters.


Compromise Defense Policy Bill Includes Paid Parental Leave Fix, Allows Feds to Carry Over More Annual Leave

The latest version of the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act does not include House-passed measures blocking the Defense secretary from exempting Pentagon employees from collective bargaining.


Good Government Group Urges Feds to Lobby Congress Against Schedule F

In a rare move, the Partnership for Public Service asked the public to contact lawmakers to muster opposition to the Trump administration’s effort to politicize the federal civil service.

Pay & Benefits

White House Now Supports 2021 Pay Freeze, but Only for Civilians

The announcement marks a reversal for the Trump administration, which previously proposed a 1% across-the-board pay increase for all federal employees.


House Leadership Demands Accounting of Political Burrowing, Schedule F Activities

Lawmakers again urge congressional appropriators to block the Trump administration from implementing its executive order that threatens to politicize the civil service.


Democrats See GOP Electioneering in Air Force Choice of Georgia for C-130 Base

A Trump appointee wants Air National Guard planes sent to the state that holds the key to Senate control.


GovExec Daily: The Coronavirus Response During the Transition

Courtney Bublé joins the podcast to discuss the COVID-19 crisis amid vaccine news and the transfer of power.


Personality, Not Policy, Will Determine Top House Armed Services Republican

The pick may telegraph whether the GOP intends a cooperative or combative approach to the Biden administration.


Democrats Demand GSA Briefing on Delayed Presidential Transition By Monday

House Democrats also question actions by the White House in the run-up to the election. 


House Considers New Whistleblower Protection Rules 

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer’s proposal would protect the identities of federal whistleblowers. 


Trump Orders Hasty Afghanistan, Iraq Drawdowns to Beat Biden Inauguration

Majority Leader McConnell leads chorus of bipartisan, shocked opposition to the 11th hour order read by Acting Defense Secretary Miller.


Top House Democrats Call on Agencies to Preserve Records for Transition 

They sent letters to over 50 agencies about their statutory duties, despite the president contesting the election. 


GovExec Daily: The Races to Watch on Election Night

Eric Katz joins the podcast to discuss the contests federal employees will want to monitor.


Coalition of 28 Labor Groups Urges Congress to Block Trump Order Creating Schedule F

Federal Worker Alliance sends a letter to Democratic appropriators urging them to include language in the next round of spending legislation to rescind President Trump’s executive order.