
Lawmakers Confronted the IRS Over Tax Audits That Target the Poor

Following up on ProPublica stories about the IRS, lawmakers pressed the commissioner on the agency’s disproportionate focus on auditing the working poor while examinations of the rich plummeted.


Congress Is About to Ban the Government From Offering Free Online Tax Filing. Thank TurboTax.

A bill supported by Democrats and Republicans would make permanent a program that bars the IRS from ever developing its own online tax filing service.


Analysis: Congressional Oversight Is at the Heart of America’s Democracy

The Constitution gives Congress the power over the executive branch, which it's free to flex.


The Senate Could Embarrass Trump Over His National Emergency

A sufficient number of Republicans are poised to band with the Democrats in opposition to the president’s border-wall funding.


Scholars Urge Lawmakers Investigating Trumpworld to Focus on Substance

Successful congressional investigations are well-planned, careful and committed to finding the truth, paper argues.


The House’s Latest Move Could Be a Big Threat to Trump’s Presidency

A sweeping new probe launched by the House Judiciary Committee could be the most revealing yet about the president’s alleged misconduct.


An Admiral Told a Senator Most Navy Reforms Were 'Complete.' Navy’s No. 2 Says Otherwise.

Adm. Bill Moran told ProPublica this week that none of the promised reforms had been completed, but that work had started on the pledges.


Michael Cohen's Stunning Testimony About Trump

New claims from the president's former fixer help fill in essential gaps in the Russia investigation.


Analysis: Blame Congress for the National Emergency

Long ago, it could have required the president to meet certain requirements prior to unlocking this broad authority.


Trump Declares National Emergency, Calling Government Border Drug Stats ‘Lies’

In a dark, rambling speech, the president repeated long-debunked arguments — and provided ammunition for likely court challenges.


Trump’s Emergency Declaration Is a Test for Senate Republicans

For weeks, GOP lawmakers have warned the president against pursuing extraordinary measures. What now?


Congress Just Wants to Be Left Alone

As House and Senate lawmakers begin their border-security talks, they’ve managed to agree on at least one thing.


Congress Used To Pass Bipartisan Legislation – Will It Ever Again?

Most Congresses since the 1970s have passed more than 500 laws, ranging from nuclear disarmament to deficit reduction. Will today's bitter partisanship hamstring the new Congress' productivity?


The Dangerous ‘New Phase’ for Donald Trump

The incoming House Judiciary chairman says the president has allegedly been involved in “massive frauds against the American people.”


Trump Protests Infringement on Executive Branch in Coast Guard Act

Signing statement addresses antitrust laws, president’s authority to close facilities.


The Saudi Ambassador is Back in D.C. Will Anyone Talk to Him?

At least one senator calls for Prince Khalid’s expulsion over Jamal Khashoggi’s murder.


Lawmakers Probe Role of Special Operations in Great Power Competition

The two four-stars up to lead CENTCOM and SOCOM faced questions about how their commands will change under the National Defense Strategy.


The IRS Oversight Board Is Worried About a 'Serious Threat to Taxpayer Rights'

Private debt collectors under contract to the agency are squeezing poor people and hurricane victims.