
Jordan’s bid to be House speaker ends after rejection by GOP in closed meeting

The closed-door meeting came after Rep. Jim Jordan’s third attempt to win sufficient support from Republicans, who hold a slim majority in the House.


Senate lawmakers float plan to revamp agencies’ customer service

The Improving Government Services Act would require agencies to develop plans to implement private-sector customer experience best practices into how they interact with members of the public.


The latest GOP speaker nominee has a history of targeting federal employees

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, has orchestrated shutdowns and called for drastic reductions in federal agency rolls.


House stalled again after rejecting Jim Jordan as speaker a second time

Jordan plans to talk with the Republicans who voted against him and hopes to win those who flipped Wednesday back to his side.


Budgetary limbo could cost the Navy Department $26B in missing or ‘misaligned’ funds

Comptroller lays out the price of a full-year continuing resolution if Congress can’t pass a 2024 budget.


Ohio’s Jim Jordan fails in bid for U.S. House speaker, leaving chamber paralyzed again

Jordan was unable to clinch the votes needed to hold the gavel amid concerns about his agenda and frustrations with his history inside and outside of Congress.


Jim Jordan gains support as vote nears for U.S. House speaker, but outcome still in doubt

The Ohio congressman will need the backing of nearly all the chamber’s 221 GOP lawmakers in order to hold the highest office in Congress.


Senate bill would codify remote work, increase telework reporting

The Telework Reform Act also would authorize noncompetitive hiring of military and law enforcement spouses into remote work positions.


Scalise nominated by U.S. House GOP as speaker in closed-door meeting

The nominee picked in the conference meeting only needed to get the backing of a majority of the 221 House Republicans, but Scalise will need about 217 on the floor before he can hold the gavel.


Agencies can begin submitting congressionally mandated reports to online system this month

Reports mandated by federal law will be uploaded to a centralized online portal maintained by the Government Publishing Office on Oct 16.  


U.S. House votes to remove Kevin McCarthy as speaker

It isn’t immediately clear how the House will proceed in the coming days.

Pay & Benefits

The federal firefighter ‘pay cliff’ has been averted, for now

The 45-day continuing resolution preventing a government shutdown also includes language ensuring federal firefighters don’t lose access to recent pay increases whose funding was expected to run out this month.


How the Pentagon’s big tech bets could suffer if the government shuts down

Anything that needs new money to start or scale could see delays—including the Air Force’s quest to develop robot wingmen.

Pay & Benefits

Federal payroll processor: Oct. 11 is deadline to avert feds’ getting incomplete paychecks

If Congress fails to restore funding to federal agencies, most federal workers will only receive a partial paycheck on Oct. 13.


HASC chair: Space Command's temporary office is insecure. Officials: untrue

After White House scuttles move to Alabama, Rep. Rogers vows to keep SPACECOM from building a permanent HQ in Colorado.


Sen. Kaine eyes another measure to make shutdowns less frequent

The Modernizing the Federal Calendar Act would shift the federal government’s fiscal year to align with the traditional calendar year.


Democrats fear cyberattacks as government shutdown looms

Lawmakers are expressing concerns that the shutdown could radically hinder the work of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency in responding to major ransomware incidents and other digital intrusions. 


Shutdown would be 'extremely disruptive' to defense production, workforce, acquisition chief says

“Can you imagine if the Chinese had something like this, where their government would shut down every few years?” Bill LaPlante said Tuesday.