
House Defense Bill Would Mandate Carbon Capture Program for the Military

A technology that many hope will prevent the worst effects of climate change could also produce fuel or other defense products.


Watchdog Concludes Defense Appointee Sexually Harassed Employees

Guy Roberts, former assistant secretary of Defense for nuclear, chemical and biological defense programs, hugged, touched and made sexual comments toward several women, the Pentagon inspector general found.


Special Operations Command Made a Mind-Reading Kit For Elite Troops

The experimental tool is among several that aim to combine sensors and AI to give U.S. operators a new edge.


What Can Drones Do to Protect Civilians in Armed Conflict?

Drones could help United Nations peacekeepers save civilians' lives – but there are obstacles.


The Space Force Appears Cleared For Launch

Lawmakers hint that bipartisan National Defense Authorization Act will create a new military branch.


Analysis: Why the U.S. Military Usually Punishes Misconduct but Police Often Close Ranks

No "blue wall of silence:" A military lawyer explains why the US armed forces take accountability and justice seriously.


Pentagon 'Start-up' Opens Its First Satellite Office

The Defense Digital Service gathers top talent to work on technological projects.


Viewpoint: How Trump Turned the Military Against Itself

The president’s repeated interference in a Navy SEAL’s case shows that he cares about only one kind of military discipline—obedience to Trump.


Defense Department Fails Its Second Audit, Yet Is Making Progress

This was only the second audit completed for the Pentagon since a 1990 law required them.


The Slow-Boil Revolt: Retired Senior Military Officers Face a Dilemma

They're growing more concerned that the Trump administration doesn’t want their advice, and struggling with how much they can say publicly.


Viewpoint: How Best to Thank a Veteran? Avoid More Unjust Wars

A 2017 poll found that about half of Americans would support launching an unprovoked war on a country that poses no near-term threat.


McConnell Asked White House For Sanctions Position, Dem Senator Says

The Senate majority leader is weighing the myriad sanctions proposals on the Hill, Sen. Van Hollen said at the Defense One Outlook 2020 conference. 


Viewpoint: Stop Denigrating the Civilian National Security Workforce and Fix It

To understaff and undermanage the military's civilian counterparts does our uniformed force an enormous disservice and undermines U.S. security.


SecDef: China Is Exporting Killer Robots to the Mideast

For the first time, a senior Defense official has called out Beijing for selling lethal autonomy.


Could Congress Reverse Trump’s Decision to Pull Troops Out of Syria?

Since the 1940s, Congress has largely let the president make decisions, while members of the House and Senate endorse or condemn those actions from the sidelines.


General: Trump Pullout Did Not Affect Baghdadi Raid Timing

“We struck because the time was about right,” said CENTCOM’s Gen. Frank McKenzie, of intelligence and other factors.


Pentagon Vows to Guard the Syrian Oil That Trump Wants to Seize

That includes warding off Syrian and Russian forces, SecDef Esper says, with murky justification under domestic and international law.


ISIS Leader Baghdadi Killed Himself During U.S. Special Ops Raid, Trump Confirms

Trump claims, against the evidence, that killing Baghdadi was administration's "top national security priority."


The Intelligence Fallout From Trump’s Withdrawal in Syria

The chaotic withdrawal from Syria will severely weaken U.S. efforts in the country—and could also be a boost for Russia and Iran.


US Agrees to Lift Sanctions on Turkey in Syria ‘Ceasefire’ Deal

“From what I understand it’s not a ceasefire,” Sen Marco Rubio, R-Fla., told reporters on Capitol Hill. “You have one-hundred-and-X number of hours to get out of here before we kill you.”