
Quick strikes

The Pentagon has approved an Iraq war plan that features rapid strikes to topple Saddam Hussein early in a potential conflict.


War and protests

Military leaders and lawmakers fear Vietnam-like protests if President Bush fails to make the case for war with Iraq.


Pentagon turkeys

The Bush administration has yet to make good on its pledge to ax obsolete weapons programs.


Keeping the peace

Military and relief officials are learning how to work together to move a country from war to peace.


Beans and bullets

Providing food and ammo to troops is the hardest part of waging war.


Sticking together

For a change, Navy and Marine Corps leaders aren't battling each other in defense spending fights.


Base politics

The elections may be over, but the politics of base closure is under way.


Deja vu

Is the Iraq resolution approved by Congress the equivalent of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?


Sailors and civilians

Unlike sailors, Navy civilians get little in the way of career training and guidance. The service's personnel chief says that's about to change.


Placing blame

President Bush has run into his first confrontation with the military, over criminal charges filed in a friendly-fire incident.


Worst-case scenario

Would Israel retaliate with nuclear weapons if Iraq struck it with biological or chemical weapons?


The 'say yes' force

Is the overstressed Air Force ready for an all-out assault on Iraq?


Green troops

Are environmental restrictions forcing the military to go into battle with inexperienced forces?


Depot dollars

The Army and Navy could learn a thing or two from the Air Force’s plan to invest in its repair depots.


Beyond Iraq

We should not become so fixated on invading Iraq that we ignore the greater dangers: al Qaeda, loose nuclear materials in Russia and nuclear proliferation.


Terrorist-tracking tools

A controversial Defense Department counterterrorism office is moving ahead with plans to create terrorist-catching technologies.


Out of the ashes

Less than a year after the Sept. 11 attacks, the Pentagon is reborn.


Clipped wings

Arguably these should be the best of times for the military aircraft industry. So why are industry officials and military service leaders so nervous?


Changing of the Guard

The National Guard swiftly came to the country's defense on Sept. 11, but some disagree over its future role in homeland security.


The future of defense

A new book explores how America must defend freedom in the 21st century.