
Biden’s Judicial Nominations Have Set Records for Diversity, but Dozens Remain Unconfirmed

The president has prioritized nominating people from underrepresented backgrounds in terms of race, gender and professional experience, but advocates say there’s still ‘a long way to go.’


GovExec Daily: Making Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Work for the Federal Workforce

OPM's Janice Underwood joins the podcast to discuss her role as Director of the Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility .


Not Many Federal Law Enforcement Officers Are Women. The Marshals Service Is Looking to Change That

The nation’s oldest federal law enforcement agency sees diversity as “mission essential,” said its director.


A Look at Trailblazing Women at the U.S. Marshals Service Over the Years

The nation’s oldest federal law enforcement agency recently signed onto a pledge to boost female recruitment. 


The Consumer Protection Bureau's Union Is Pushing for Better Pay, Fewer Pay Gaps

CFPB employee representatives said the agency is dragging its feet on plans to reduce gender and racial pay gaps, as well as to comply with federal law requiring compensation comparable with other financial regulators.

Pay & Benefits

A Federal Employee Group is Again Urging OPM to Ban All Use of Salary History in the Federal Hiring Process

An organization focused on improving gender equity at the Justice Department warned that anything short of completely banning federal agencies from considering job applicants’ salary histories could continue to perpetuate historic pay gaps in government.


GovExec Daily: Diversity and Inclusion Are Key Parts of Modern Management

Author, CEO and businessman Donald Thompson joins the podcast to discuss how organizations can bring DEI into their work.


Building a More Diverse Public Sector Hiring Pipeline

Local governments are rethinking how they go about connecting with job candidates. “It’s just not enough to post a position and then say we have no qualified diverse talent,” says one official.


A 9-Year-Old Case Alleging Discrimination by NASA Can Finally Proceed

An administrative judge last week certified the classes of Black and Asian American employees at the agency, who allege its performance appraisal system discriminates against them, allowing the case to move forward.


State Department Releases its Roadmap for Increasing Diversity and Equity

The department also announced last month a new, paid fellowship and internship program aimed at bringing individuals with diverse backgrounds to the department.


Women Are Reentering the Workforce, but Black Women Face Continued Hurdles

Women may be reentering the workforce, but the numbers are uneven, with more Black women leaving.


White House Seeks Input on Federal Evidence Agenda For LGBTQI+ Equity

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy wants to know about possible blind spots preventing agencies from understanding what disparities are impacting the LGBTQI+ community nationwide, from accessing healthcare to housing.


Women — Particularly Women of Color — Stand to Benefit Most from Biden’s Student Loan Relief Plan

Women hold two-thirds of student loan debt, and women of color have higher loan balances than their White counterparts.


The Oversight Community Is Taking These Steps to Be More Diverse and Inclusive

A new DEIA roadmap reflects goals the president has for the federal workforce overall. 


Meet the Nonprofit Leader Who Is Working to Reverse the ‘Dismal’ Numbers of Women in Federal Law Enforcement

Cathy Sanz’s organization provides training, scholarships, networking and mentorship opportunities to help women “go for it” in their careers.


The State Department’s Diversity and Inclusion Officer Says ‘This Time is Different’

Amb. Gina Abercrombie-Winstanley joined the U.S. Agency for International Development’s chief diversity officer, and the two testified about their work before a Senate committee on Tuesday.


GovExec Daily: The Pendulum Shifts Toward Workers

Wharton's Stephanie Creary joins the podcast to discuss the management-labor dynamic emerging from the pandemic period.


GSA Looks to Help Get LGBTQI-owned Small Businesses in the Contracting Mix

The agency is going to work with the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce as part of an effort to increase access to contracting for LGBTQI-owned small businesses.


Biden Will Appoint the First Native American to Be Treasurer of the United States

Chief Marilynn Malerba will oversee the newly established Office of Tribal and Native Affairs.