
Court Deals Yet Another Blow to Firing Reform Law

Thousands of workers may now have a new avenue to getting their jobs back.


Gender Stereotypes Creep into Performance Reviews

Performance reviews, especially ones with vague criteria, are an opportunity for managers to project their gender stereotypes onto employees.


Fired for Storming the Capitol? Why Most Workers Aren’t Protected for What They Do on Their Own Time

The vast majority of U.S. workers are deemed "at will" which means they can be fired at any time, without notice, and for any reason.


Court Dismisses Union’s Lawsuit Over Federal Employees’ Right to Talk ‘Impeachment’ and 'Resistance'  

Last year the American Federation of Government Employees sued the Office of Special Counsel over its Hatch Act guidance. 


Navy to Punish Fired Captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt

In a reversal, the service’s top officer says further investigation revealed lapses in Capt. Brett Crozier’s judgment and actions aboard his COVID-stricken ship.


New Federal Workers More Likely to Be Fired After Filing Whistleblower Complaints

Between 17% and 69% of workers in their probationary period who filed whistleblower retaliation complaints were fired in 2018, GAO finds.


NIH Works to Prevent Sexual Harassment Among Federally Funded Researchers 

Agency has already taken some recommended steps but others will take longer, director says.


Interior Department Says It Has Made Great Strides in Eliminating Systemic Harassment

Lawmakers applaud efforts, but say the progress is unproven as IG is still investigating harassment cases.


Special Counsel Temporarily Suspends Knowing Hatch Act Violators Without Pay

The two Defense Logistics Agency employees were aware of the law limiting political activity and in one case had received extensive training.


OPM Moves to Implement Parts of Trump Order Easing Firing of Feds

Proposed rules would remind managers when new hires are approaching the end of probationary periods and streamline firing procedures.


Attorney General Orders Reassignment of Acting Bureau of Prisons Director 

Move comes in the aftermath of financier Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide at a Manhattan federal correctional facility.   


EPA Administrator Says Culprit for Racist Messages Was 'Held Accountable'

Environmental Protection Agency officials last year sought to reassure employees following a spat of racist messages at agency facilities.


Bill Advances That Would Deny Bonuses to Feds Found to Have Engaged in Misconduct

Employees would be barred from bonuses for five years following adverse findings in an investigation.  


VA Whistleblowers Tell Congress Retaliation Is Still Rampant

One VA employee received a proposed firing notice just one day prior to testifying.


Years Ago, the Border Patrol’s Discipline System Was Denounced as 'Broken.' It’s Still Not Fixed.

An expert panel’s pleas for swifter, more consistent, more transparent punishment of rogue agents languish.


Homeland Security Employees Aren’t Disciplined Consistently for Misconduct

Lengthy survey by watchdog faults vague definitions, poor record-keeping for the lack of standard consequences across agencies within the department.


Trump’s VA Firing Spree Falters in Court

Rather than defend a law that the president loves, the VA will reinstate a hospital director whom it twice tried to fire.


Agencies Could Weed Out Poor Managers Early, But They Rarely Do

Just seven out of every 1,000 new supervisors failed the probationary period, MSPB found.