
Repealing the Clean Water Rule will Swamp the Trump Administration in Wetland Litigation

Importantly, EPA does not dispute any findings of the peer-reviewed scientific studies that the Obama administration cited to support its approach.


Before Trump Eyed Greenland: Here’s What Happened Last Time The U.S. Bought a Large Chunk Of The Arctic

In 1867, the U.S. bought Alaska from Tsar Alexander II for a tidy sum of $7.2 million. Trump probably wouldn't be able to get that kind of bargain for Greenland.


EPA Exceeded Trump’s Deregulatory Expectations

But the agency’s inspector general says officials shortchanged management controls and haven’t been transparent about decision making.


Lawmakers Introduce Legislation to Improve Federal-State-Local Coordination

Bipartisan bill would create an updated version of a former intergovernmental commission.


EPA Failed to Ensure Outside Advisers Don’t Have Conflicts of Interest

Staff failed to follow agency procedures in documenting decisions, vetting financial disclosure forms.


How Agency Heads Are Shifting Power Away From Federal Employees and Toward States

Federal officials have had too much discretion to institute their personal policy preferences, administration officials say.


The Air Really Was Cleaner Under Obama

Pollution is up nearly 14 percent under the Trump administration.


One Way to Make the Green New Deal Actually Happen: a Super-Ministry

To administer the Green New Deal, combine Interior, Energy, Housing & Urban Development, and Transportation to create a new Department of Cities and Regions.


Inquiries at EPA's Science Integrity Office Spike Under Trump

Employees are increasingly going to integrity officers with concerns over interference into science.


Ex-EPA Chief Logged $124,000 in Improper Travel Costs, Watchdog Finds

Detailed review of Scott Pruitt’s trips makes 14 recommendations, some of which the agency rejects.


As Air Pollution Increases In Some U.S. Cities, The Trump Administration Is Weakening Clean Air Regulations

Air quality in the U.S. has improved greatly since 1990, but a new report finds progress stalling in some cities. Meanwhile, the Trump administration is rolling back air pollution controls.


House Chairmen Probe Power Industry Group’s Influence on EPA

Two agency officials in air quality office formerly worked with what lawmakers call “a secretive front group funded by utility companies.”


An Upheaval at the Ends of the World

Two new reports find that the North and South Poles face an “unprecedented” climate future.