
Oversight Group Files Hatch Act Complaint Against White House Press Secretary

While not as “outrageous” as the Trump administration’s actions, that doesn’t “mean we should be casual about compliance with an important ethics law,” the group’s president says.


Lawmakers Question Accounting Firms Over ‘Revolving Door’ With Federal Agencies

A recent news investigation detailed potential ethics issues over the past four presidential administrations. 


Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Buddies Tried to Get the VA to Sell Access to Veterans’ Medical Records

A congressional investigation prompted by ProPublica’s reporting found Trump’s “Mar-a-Lago crowd,” wealthy civilians with no U.S. government or military experience, pursued a plan to monetize veterans’ medical data.


Inspector General Urges Ethics Review at Federal Election Commission Following ProPublica Report

The FEC’s inspector general has called for the agency to review its policies and internal controls after ProPublica revealed a key employee’s undisclosed ties to Trump.


GOP Lawmakers Question Ethics Waivers for Former Union Officials at OMB, OPM

House Republicans asked why Democrats have not objected to the use of ethics waivers by the Biden administration, although experts took no issue with the appointees in question.


Ethics Experts Say Administration’s Hiring of Top Biden Advisor’s Kids Raises Questions

A White House official said the Ricchettis have relevant qualifications for their jobs and their levels of experience are similar to those of their predecessors.


Analysis: Trump’s DOJ Was More Dangerous Than We Knew

Revelations since Biden’s inauguration are adding detail to a portrait of ethical decay at the department.


GovExec Daily: Brian Miller and Pandemic Oversight

Courtney Bublé joins the podcast to discuss her conversation with the Special Inspector General for Pandemic Recovery and other oversight stories.


Why Is the FDA Funded in Part by the Companies It Regulates?

The FDA receives almost half its funding from companies it regulates, such as drug and medical device makers. Is this something you should be concerned about?


Were Biden’s Ethics Waivers for Labor Ties Justified?

“Not all ethics waivers are bad,” said a former director of the Office of Government Ethics.


The Model for Fixing the DOJ

Joe Biden has inherited a department plagued by scandal, just as Gerald Ford did in 1974.


Documents Show Trump Officials Skirted Rules to Reward Politically Connected and Untested Firms With Huge Pandemic Contracts

House Democrats investigating the COVID-19 response say Trump adviser Peter Navarro pressured agencies to award deals worth hundreds of millions of dollars.


Birx Joins Air-Cleaning Industry Amid Land Grab for Billions in Federal COVID Relief

Air-cleaning companies with limited oversight are targeting a growing market of schools desperate for COVID-19 protection. Donald Trump’s former adviser lands with one that built its business, in part, on ozone-emitting technology.


GovExec Daily: The Hatch Act, Enforcement and Congress

The Project on Government Oversight's Walter Shaub and Dylan Hedtler-Gaudette rejoin the podcast to discuss how ethics rules can be strengthened.


GovExec Daily: Biden's Ethics Executive Order

Former Office of Government Ethics Director Walter Shaub and his Project on Government Oversight colleague Dylan Hedtler-Gaudette join the podcast to discuss the president's first-day order.

Pay & Benefits

Senate Will Soon Consider Extra Paid Leave and Ethics Crackdown for Feds

Final legislative details affecting feds for two sweeping packages winding their way to the Senate.


It’s not Just Trump – Presidents and Politicians Have Long Shredded Etiquette

'Mind your manners' isn't just something your mother told you. Manners – and civility – are an essential component of how things get done in government, and the Founding Fathers knew it.


The Government Donald Trump Left Behind

Trump ultimately fell short on many of his signature promises, but his administration’s successes in cutting taxes, rolling back regulations and reshaping the judiciary will cast a long shadow.


Will Merrick Garland, Joe Biden’s Pick for Attorney General, Be Independent in that Role? History Says It’s Unlikely

History shows that attorneys general who are picked by – and serve at the pleasure of – the president are not as independent as they may be expected to be.