Fast Forward

Commission on Evidence-Based Policy Calls for Interagency Coordination

Report recommends a National Secure Data Service that would help with specific projects without compromising privacy.

Leadership Vacancies Have Slowed Security Clearance Reform, Officials Say

To cope with delays, the Pentagon issues risky interim clearances, resulting in “rapists and pedophiles” having access to classified information.

None of the 19 Agencies Trump Sought to Abolish Appears in Danger

Congress thus far has preserved their funds as lawmakers face a crammed September calendar.

The Federal Managers Who Aren’t Afraid to Take Risks

New data suggest the conventional wisdom is wrong, raising important policy questions.

GAO Chief Dismisses 'Legend' that Agencies Can’t Escape High-Risk List

Dodaro calls Trump reorganization effort “a perfect opportunity” to use the biennial tool.

Fighting the Opioid Epidemic with Evidence and Innovation

How Congress and the Health and Human Services Department can reduce opioid-related deaths.

OMB Steers Agency R&D Budgets Toward Security, ‘Energy Dominance’

Fiscal 2019 initiatives should be “budget neutral” and agencies should consider private-sector solutions, guidance states.

Tillerson Announces Minority Hiring Initiative at State

Each ambassadorial position would require at least one minority candidate to be considered.

Political Environment a Major Factor in More than 40 Percent of Senior Exec Departures

Inadequate pay and excessive bureaucracy also cited as reasons for dissatisfaction in latest exit survey from OPM.

How Trump Can Successfully Reorganize the Government

If the White House turns implementation over to "careerists" at OMB, "it will never happen," former personnel director says.

When Amazon Meets Government

If a provision in the House version of the annual Defense authorization bill becomes law, the world of federal procurement faces major disruption.

State Department Confronts North Korea With Rows of Vacant Positions

Trump has nominated candidates for only a third of key slots; envoy to South Korea is acting.

Bridging the Gap Between Political Appointees and Civil Servants

The chasm between appointees and career staff often leads to dysfunction. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Agencies Need A STEM Talent Management System

The General Schedule system is not suited for managing knowledge workers.