
About the House Republicans’ New IRS Video

Spokesman says recap of political targeting scandal was produced in-house at no cost to taxpayers.


What the Decline in Public Trust Means for Government

The lack of faith spreads from elected officials to federal institutions.


Do Stoners Come Up With Government-Funded Research Programs?

Late-night hosts asks his audience to separate real from fake projects.


Feds Send Obama an Early Christmas Wish: An Extra Day Off

We the People Petition asks the president to make Friday, Dec. 26 a holiday, creating a four-day weekend.


A Double Dose of Luck for the Park Service

Two gifts help the agency maintain the onetime home of the Custis and Lee families overlooking Arlington Cemetery.


How to Stump the Smartest Man in Obama’s Cabinet

Energy Secretary and renowned physicist Ernest Moniz has a few gaps in his education.


DHS Chief to Washington Post: Actually, 90 Percent of our Senior Positions Are Filled

Feature faulting the massive department for heavy turnover "disregarded the present," Jeh Johnson writes in letter to the editor.


Amazing True Stories of the Bureaucracy!

For one night a year, government’s unsung heroes take center stage.


Ex-IRS Executive Lerner Breaks 15 Months of Silence

Former head of the tax-exempt organizations unit is a "more complicated figure than the caricature she's become in the public eye," Politico reports.


Highway Safety Board Found to Be Slow, Timid

New York Times report says NHTSA may be more interested in popular safety ratings than investigating potential dangers.


HHS Chief Gets Behind One Cause Everyone Can Believe In

Burwell supports a Republican effort to speed discovery and dissemination of pioneering medical cures.


Agency’s ‘Technical Competence and Compassion’ Protect Retirement for Millions

Departing Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. Director Josh Gotbaum lauded the agency he led, but says much remains to be done.


Is Pentagon’s ‘Security Cooperation’ Office Too Cooperative With Israel?

Officials complained the Defense Department is a little too eager to ship arms to the U.S. Ally.


10 Insane Things the Pentagon Gave to Local Law Enforcement

Helicopters, grenade launchers and underwear make their way to police.