
Oscar Loves Uncle Sam

2013 Academy Awards honor films with plots involving federal law enforcement, astronauts -- and even the FDA.


Consumer Financial Protection Chief Sits Down With Jon Stewart

Richard Cordray discusses the ins and outs of the new agency on 'The Daily Show.'


Robert Gates’ Love-Hate Relationship With the Bureaucracy

In memoir, former defense chief says Obama failed to give proper credit to career officials, but also laments his own frustrations in managing the Pentagon.


GSA Whistleblower’s Exit

Deputy Administrator Susan Brita, who sounded the alarm on the agency’s lavish 2010 Las Vegas conference, retires in March.


A Wisconsin Divide Over Obamacare Lawsuit

The politics of health care and Hill staff remain complicated.


The War Between the States Over FBI Headquarters

Virginia and Maryland congressional delegations battle over the best spot for the bureau’s new campus.


These Awards Make Government Look Bad

It may be time to rethink the Obama administration's competition for cost-cutting ideas.


Can President Obama Manage Government?

If he wants to leave a lasting legacy, he needs to become a more effective leader of the federal bureaucracy.


GAO: One of the Best Places to Work in D.C.?

The agency has made one publication’s list two times in three years.


HHS Official Shows Grace Under Overload

CMS chief remains calm during stormy congressional hearing on Obamacare.


A Meeting of the Minds on the Future of Defense

Request an invitation to the Inaugural Defense One Summit.


House GOPer: No Back Pay for Feds Home Watching Netflix

Rep. Ted Yoho reverses himself on the issue of retroactive pay for furloughed employees.


Do Lawmakers Fear Mobs of Angry Feds?

According to one report, they're beefing up security at district offices.


It Takes a Government

Veterans Affairs depends on all the other departments, Shinseki says.


Yes, Mr. Chairman, Feds' Paychecks Could Get Delayed

House Rules Committee chairman concedes he ‘may not know all the rules.’


Celebrating Public Service Under 'Really Stupid Circumstances'

The Service to America Medals gala was a moving and ironic event.


The 'Nonessential' Label: Cruel and Wrong

It's not just unfair to trivialize certain employees in the shutdown. It's incorrect.