
Biden Demands Resignations from Impasses Panel

The Federal Service Impasses Panel was a key piece of the Trump administration’s efforts to crack down on federal employee unions, frequently imposing contracts with draconian pro-management policies.


Records Transfer from the Trump White House is a Work in Progress

Watchdog groups and Democratic lawmakers have raised concerns about Trump officials’ records management. 


Judge Gives Biden Path to Quickly Repeal Trump's 'Secret Science' Rule

The EPA rule faced criticism for placing restrictions on the scientific research career employees can use.


GovExec Daily: Biden, Schedule F and Workforce Orders

Erich Wagner joins the podcast to discuss how the new administration's actions will affect feds.


Biden's VA Pick Says He Can 'Unstick Problems' Within the Bureaucracy

Denis McDonough pledges to continue the status quo on private sector health care and provide more resources for VA employees.


Biden Directs Justice Department Not to Renew Private Prisons Contracts 

“Privately operated criminal detention facilities consistently underperform federal facilities with respect to correctional services, programs and resources,” said the executive order. 


US Flies B-52 Bomber To Gulf In Show of Force Against Iran

“We were also thinking…'Would they try to test the U.S. military in the early days of the new administration?'”


Gina Raimondo’s Focus as Commerce Secretary: Inequality, Jobs and Climate Change

Commerce secretary nominee Gina Raimondo, the governor of Rhode Island, said in her Senate confirmation hearing Tuesday that she will focus on job creation with an eye on climate change and workers.


Union Leaders Report Slow Movement to Implement Biden Workforce Order

Agencies reportedly are waiting for guidance from their legal teams and OPM before taking action to repeal restrictions on collective bargaining, official time and other elements of the Trump administration’s workforce policies.


Biden Administration Has Four Nominees Confirmed So Far 

There are many historic firsts for diversity with Biden’s nominations. 


Why We Should Care About Politically Appointed Diplomats

As Biden’s leadership team takes shape, it’s a good time to examine the research about political versus career appointments.


Lawmakers Urge Attorney General Nominee to Restore Immigration Judges Union

The National Association of Immigration Judges was decertified as a union by the Trump administration last year following a controversial decision by the Federal Labor Relations Authority.


‘The Ban Should Never Have Been Imposed’

Former Army Secretary Eric Fanning says it’s time for Congress to pass a law that protects transgender servicemembers.


The Fine Print of Biden’s Directive Rescinding Trump-Era Workforce Orders

Agencies will be required to reverse actions taken during the Trump administration to implement a slew of anti-union policies, including renegotiate collective bargaining agreements.


White House Directs Agencies to Revise Their Pandemic Plans

The “paramount concern is the health and safety of all federal employees, on-site contractors, and individuals interacting with the federal workforce,” OMB said. 


GovExec Daily: Joe Biden's IT Priorities in the White House

Former federal CIO Vivek Kundra joins the podcast to discuss the information technology and cloud computing challenges the new president will face.


5 Ways Biden Can Help Rural America Thrive and Bridge the Rural-Urban Divide

A new federal antipoverty program for both rural and urban areas is part of the solution, but the power of Big Ag, lack of internet and struggling towns need attention, too.


To Beat the Pandemic, Biden Needs to Take the Politics Out of It

The vast majority of recent survey respondents said “Politics has made it harder to learn the truth about COVID-19.”