
Senate Republicans push for Mayorkas impeachment trial

Democrats say the charges are based on policy disputes rather than the “high crimes and misdemeanors” threshold of an impeachable offense.


Coast Guard hasn’t assessed how many future aviation personnel it needs, report says

The service is in the midst of modernizing and consolidating its aircraft fleet, but it’s also facing workforce challenges that could alter how many vehicles the Coast Guard ultimately needs. 


Senate action on DHS chief impeachment coming this week

With the slim majority Democrats have in the Senate, it’s likely the two articles of impeachment go nowhere and Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas remains in his role.


House Speaker to deliver Mayorkas impeachment articles to the Senate in early April

It’s unlikely the Homeland Security secretary will be removed from office, but the push for a trial is a mark of House Republicans’ escalation of their opposition to the White House’s immigration policy.


Senate approves bills to boost oversight and security for federal buildings

Lawmakers look to spur action after agencies have ignored most recommendations to make their buildings safer.


More than 600K federal employees are facing furloughs this week

Congress and the White House are still negotiating over a funding plan as they face a partial shutdown deadline on Friday.


Federal managers play a key but forgotten role in job satisfaction

COMMENTARY | A recent GAO report examining employee engagement at TSA underscores the need for a people-centric approach in attracting and retaining talented workers.


Employees ratify TSA’s first union contract since rights expansion

The American Federation of Government Employees’ new collective bargaining agreement streamlines grievance and arbitration rules and greatly expands work-life balance policies like shift trading.


FLRA: CBP owes backpay to officers denied nightwork premium pay

The chairwoman of the body that oversees federal sector labor issues also expressed an openness to revisiting the legal definition of repudiating a union contract.


Some DHS agencies are more likely to discipline employees than supervisors, GAO says

The watchdog said data gaps in the disciplinary adjudication process at four Homeland Security component agencies meant that they were unable to identify why rank-and-file employees were more likely than supervisors to face misconduct judgments.


DHS to slash operations, reshuffle workforce without additional funds, agency warns

The department becomes the latest in the Biden administration to sound the alarm over the impact of budget shortfalls.


On take two, House impeaches DHS secretary

Alejandro Mayorkas becomes the first cabinet secretary to be impeached in nearly 150 years.


House fails to impeach DHS secretary

Alejandro Mayorkas is no longer in peril after the failed vote. If the measure had passed, it would have been the first time a cabinet secretary had been impeached in nearly 150 years.

Pay & Benefits

Some Coast Guard personnel can’t find housing in vacation-rich areas, GAO says

The watchdog said that despite some government housing and a private sector housing allowance, some Coast Guard personnel can’t find affordable lodging stationed in either remote areas or ones where rentals are positioned for vacation economies. 


House Democrats pen fiery letter to embattled DHS inspector general demanding documents

The ranking members of the House Committees on Oversight and Accountability and Homeland Security demanded documents from the DHS IG related to a court settlement with a former deputy inspector general after repeated requests remained unfulfilled. 


Senators unveil bipartisan bill to improve security at federal buildings

Legislation requiring agencies to respond to recommendations from the Federal Protective Service within 90 days, after a GAO investigation and congressional hearings revealed the vast majority of security recommendations go ignored.


House GOP move forward with drive to impeach DHS secretary over immigration policy

Republicans on the Homeland Security Committee argued that Alejandro Mayorkas has not upheld his oath of office because he enforces Biden administration border policies


House holds initial proceeding in GOP effort to impeach DHS secretary

Democrats, Biden administration call the attempt to impeach a cabinet secretary for the first time in nearly 150 years a politically motivated distraction.


House GOP is obstructing progress at the border by blocking staffing surge, White House says

Republicans move forward with DHS secretary impeachment proceedings as the administration engages in border negotiations.