
The US intelligence community is embracing generative AI

Intelligence agencies are using generative AI for a variety of purposes, including content triage and assisting analysts.


Former NSA head feels ‘really good’ about election security come November

Paul Nakasone, the recently retired head of NSA and CYBERCOM, said the intelligence community has everything it needs to combat election interference attempts later this year.


Air Force unit resumes intel ops after Discord leak

Jack Teixeira's former group went through “recertification” before it could continue its mission.


Biden signs extension of controversial spying program into 2026

The Section 702 authorities were reauthorized without the addition of a warrant requirement to review the communications of Americans caught up in foreign surveillance.


House advances spy power reauthorization bill without warrant measure

The bill — which represents a win for Biden administration policy objectives — will now be taken up in the Senate, with a week to go before the authority sunsets.


Intelligence agencies need to make SCIFs more accessible for employees with disabilities, GAO says

The watchdog examined the facilities agencies use for processing classified information, finding that some barriers that prohibit access remain.


Looking for tech talent? Broaden your search, IC chief says

The nation’s 18 intelligence agencies should look beyond the nation’s capital if they want to get and keep the best cyber workers, said Adele Merritt.


NSA ‘recently completed’ AI strategic study, director says

Outgoing chief Gen. Paul Nakasone looks back, forward, and pushes for Sec. 702 authority.


US offers rare preview of upcoming spy-satellite launch

Officials talked about Tuesday’s launch of NROL-107 in a bid to “deter the adversary.”


National intelligence strategy calls for new partnerships to harness emerging technologies

Federal agencies must collaborate with private sector partners and allies to better understand the implications of emerging technologies, according to the new strategy.


Cannabis users could become feds under bipartisan House bill

The legislation also would allow federal job applicants who were previously denied positions or security clearances over marijuana usage dating back to 2008 to have those decisions reviewed under the newly proposed policy.


Get serious about data, US intelligence leaders tell agencies

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s new three-year plan aims to turn data-gathering from afterthought to key asset.


Intel leaders, White House argue for keeping digital spy powers

Agencies have less than six months to convince a divided Congress to re-up an expiring warrantless surveillance authority.


The Pentagon will create an office to monitor users and insider threats in the wake of leaks

Review came after a junior airman was charged with posting Ukraine war documents and other secret information online.


Tighten Access to Classified Info, Air Force Secretary Says

As the Pentagon responds to a classified document leak, officials should focus on enforcing “need to know,” according to Frank Kendall.


Why the Pentagon’s Response to the Discord Leaks Won’t Fix the Problem

The Defense Department keeps too many secrets, uses old approaches to secret storage, and does not apply data-driven strategies to classification.


US Officials Charge Chinese Agents with Running ‘Secret Police Station’ in NYC

Prosecutors unveiled charges Monday against a “troll farm” and Chinese nationals who worked with a Zoom employee to crash meetings with U.S.-based dissidents.


Americans are Disturbingly ‘Ill-Informed and Naive’ on China, Navy’s Intel Chief Says

Recent balloon incident brought some attention to the possible threat, but not enough, says Rear Adm. Michael Studeman.