
Don’t Fear the Public Service Reform Act

A former chief human capital officer says it is time to re-center and simplify the rules to balance individual fairness and organizational effectiveness in the federal government.


'There Needs to Be a Reckoning': Republicans Introduce a Bill to Make Feds At-Will Employees

The legislation, along with recent talk of a renewed effort to implement Schedule F, makes clear that a “major assault” on the federal civil service is coming, regardless of who the next Republican presidential nominee will be.


Trump Has Endorsed a Plan to Purge the Civil Service of ‘Rogue Bureaucrats’

Former Trump staffers have said they have identified 50,000 federal employees who would be ousted under a new iteration of Schedule F during the next Republican administration.


Being Left Out of Meetings or Yelled at Isn’t Always Enough to Claim Whistleblower Protections

Still, MSPB says it will broadly interpret civil service laws to cumulatively examine management’s actions.


Biden’s Board Appointees Promise to Finally Provide Feds ‘Extra Insurance’ Against Mistreatment

After five years, a restored Merit Systems Protection Board is setting new precedents with sweeping impacts for the civil service.


MSPB Has Issued Its First Bit of Precedent in Five Years

The body that adjudicates the validity of discipline and removal of federal workers decided that it cannot overrule laws governing probationary periods, even if an agency gave the employee bad info on when they end.


A Senate Panel Will Consider Nominees for Two Boards That Govern Federal Employee Issues - Again

A lack of Republican cooperation meant candidates for key administration posts at FLRA and MSPB had to be renominated by President Biden this month.


Merit Systems Protection Board Passes 5-Year Mark Without a Quorum

Without a quorum, the board is unable to issue decisions for appeals, leaving thousands in limbo and a critical part of the civil service system non-functional.


Federal Employee Appeals Board Now One Step Closer to Ending Years-Long Dysfunction

Biden's nominees to the Merit Systems Protection Board are now heading to the full Senate for a vote.


TSA, Merit Board Reach Deal to Provide Appeal Rights to Airport Screeners

As the Biden administration moves to provide full civil service protections to the TSA workforce, lawmakers say Congress must codify screeners’ rights.


A Functioning Federal Employee Appeals Board May Finally Be in Sight After Biden Names Second Nominee

MSPB hasn't had a quorum in more than four years, but Republicans may push for further delay until a member of their party is nominated.

Pay & Benefits

Merit Board Offers Advice to Fix Reskilling Program That Hasn't Translated to Any New Job Placements

A pilot program to train some non-IT workers with technology skills has not resulted in anyone switching jobs, largely because participants would have needed to take a pay cut.


Energy Dept. Hatch Act Violator Agrees to Resign and Leave Government for at Least 3 Years 

The employee gave a congressional candidate special access to a radioactive waste treatment plant despite warnings this would violate ban on political activity while working. 


Special Counsel: Fed Gave Unauthorized Tour to Political Candidate

"The employee unilaterally used her official authority to further a political campaign," Hatch Act complaint says.