
ATF Misclassified Jobs as Law Enforcement and Retaliated Against Whistleblower, Agencies Say

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, is demanding additional information after revelations that the Office of Personnel Management partially suspended the agency’s authority to classify positions.


OPM’s Telework Initiatives Dovetail with Climate Change Planning

The agency announced a program to connect leaders from the private and nonprofit sectors with federal agencies to address climate change.


Students Can Now Earn up to $72,000 Annually, Federal HR Director Says

OPM Director Kiran Ahuja said the federal government is looking to overhaul internships, telling students “we need more of you and your colleagues coming into the federal government.”


Biden Administration Outlines Process for Disciplining, Removing Unvaccinated Feds

Refusal to comply with the president’s vaccine mandate will be treated as violating “a lawful order,” according to guidance from the White House Safer Federal Workforce Taskforce and OPM.

Pay & Benefits

Feds Will Pay 3.8% More Toward Health Care Premiums Next Year

Cost growth stems largely from specialty drugs, treatments for chronic illnesses and the COVID-19 pandemic, insurers said, although federal workers will be impacted less than employees of other large organizations.


OPM Finalizes Rule to Boost Agency Hiring of Military Spouses

Regulations removing obstacles to hiring spouses of active duty service members outside of the competitive process will go into effect next month.


OPM Sees Eye-to-Eye With Outside Experts on Its Future Role in Governmentwide Personnel Policy

The federal government’s human resources agency said it is incorporating many of the ideas proposed by the National Academy of Public Administration in its upcoming strategic plan, but some will require funding increases and congressional action.

Pay & Benefits

OPM Announces Leave Transfer Program for Feds in Four States Following Hurricane Ida

Feds in Louisiana, Mississippi, New York and New Jersey could be able to take extra time off to recover from the storm.


OPM Issues Guidance on Weather Leave in Age of Telework, Disasters

As the remnants of Hurricane Ida created disruptions throughout the eastern United States, the Office of Personnel Management highlighted how workplace flexibilities can mesh with the federal government’s current maximum telework posture.

Pay & Benefits

Feds to Receive Administrative Leave for Vaccinations

New guidance from the White House Safer Federal Workforce Task Force simplifies the process for federal employees to receive leave to get themselves or family members vaccinated.


OPM Rule Eases Agency Hiring of Interns

Under regulations slated for publication Wednesday, agencies will be able to hire job candidates still in college to temporary jobs and can eventually convert them to permanent positions.

Pay & Benefits

Employee Group Calls on OPM to Ban Salary History from Hiring

An employee organization focused on gender equity at the Justice Department said the federal government should stop asking job applicants for their salary history, a practice that contributes to pay disparity across gender and race.


New OPM Director Committed to 'Rebuilding' the HR Agency, Federal Workforce

Ahuja says she wants the agency to reassert itself in helping departments governmentwide become model 21st century employers.


OPM Wants to See More Telework, Remote Work and ‘Maxiflex’ Schedules Post-COVID

Guidance published late last week promotes telework and other flexibilities as retention and recruitment tools.


OPM Reclaims Human Capital Council Duties Following Failed GSA Merger

The Trump administration had moved the Chief Human Capital Officers Council’s staff from OPM to GSA shortly before Congress blocked the controversial plan to merge the agencies.


OPM Has Improved on Several Key Management Issues, Watchdog Finds

GAO lauded OPM’s efforts to reform performance management processes and provide better data to agencies, although 14 recommendations remain unresolved.