
OPM Should Take a Lesson From the Army

Making skills and competencies integral to talent management is an effective strategy in every field.


House Committee Investigates Whether Officials Misled Congress on OPM-GSA Merger

A recent watchdog group report cited notes from a phone call indicating the Trump administration was advised that the merger plan was illegal, an account that is at odds with what OPM officials testified before Congress last year.


After COVID Delay, OPM Prepares for 2020 Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey

This year’s iteration of the annual survey of federal workers’ engagement and morale will begin on July 13 and include questions about agencies’ response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Pay & Benefits

OPM: Some Feds' Leave Canceled Because of COVID-19 Will Be Restored

The federal government's HR agency said it will issue regulations allowing for agencies to restore federal workers' use-or-lose annual leave if it is canceled due to essential coronavirus response work.


Temporary Land Management Employees May Soon Have Pathway to Permanent Employment

The Office of Personnel Management on Friday published proposed regulations that would allow temporary employees at six agencies to apply for permanent posts through merit promotion procedures.


Senate Democrats Demand Answers from OPM on COVID-19 Response

Democrats on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee said that for the last six weeks, the federal government’s HR agency has stonewalled requests for briefings related to its work responding to the coronavirus pandemic.

Pay & Benefits

Federal HR Leaders Want a Comprehensive Review of the Government's Pay System

In the fiscal 2019 governmentwide human capital survey, agency officials said a lack of funding and the General Schedule are "significant obstacles" to achieving their goals.


House Lawmakers Accuse GSA of Breaching Ban on Implementing OPM Merger

Oversight panel leaders say newly uncovered emails confirm that the General Services Administration’s pending revocation of the Office of Personnel Management’s building operation authority is part of the plan to abolish the HR agency.


OPM Offers Tips for Agencies to Help Teleworking Feds with Caregiving

The federal government’s HR agency encouraged agencies to be flexible with employees who have children or other relatives they must care for with school and other care facilities closed.


Trump Administration Launches Coronavirus Surge Response Program

Federal employees can apply for temporary assignments to help with the pandemic response. 


OPM Highlights 'Evacuation Pay' Authority As a Way Agencies Can Expedite Telework

The Office of Personnel Management on Thursday clarified a number of issues for both agencies and federal employees as they respond to the COVID-19 outbreak.


Senators Urge Trump Administration to Publish Agency Contingency Plans

Democratic lawmakers said that making agencies’ continuity of operations plans public could put the minds of both federal workers and members of the public at ease.


OPM Director Abruptly Quits

The government’s top HR manager Dale Cabaniss was reportedly frustrated by White House interference.

Pay & Benefits

OPM Urges FEHBP Insurers to Reduce Costs for Coronavirus Treatment

Amid questions from lawmakers, the federal government’s HR agency confirmed that it is pushing to minimize costs for federal employees who require treatment for COVID-19.


Senator Calls on Administration to Offer Flexibilities on Security Clearance Adjudications for Coronavirus

Sen. Warner wants to ensure that coronavirus financial hardships don’t negatively impact intelligence community employees and contractors.

Pay & Benefits

OPM Dismisses Union Concerns About Paid Parental Leave Implementation

Agency Director Dale Cabaniss argued that legislative proposals listed as part of OPM's fiscal 2021 budget justification merely sought "clarification" from Congress, and were not intended to set limitations on the new benefit.


Senators Call on OPM to Ensure Feds and Contractors Are Protected as Coronavirus Spreads

The lawmakers pushed for expanding telework and preventing agencies from imposing disciplinary actions or pay cuts that could impede health precautions.