Pay & Benefits

No New Locality Pay Areas in 2022

The president’s pay agent declined to authorize a number of recommended changes to existing locality pay areas, overruling a federal advisory board.

Pay & Benefits

A Guide to Pay and Benefits During a Shutdown

Although lawmakers ultimately expect to reach a deal on federal appropriations, failure to pass a bill before Friday’s deadline could lead to a short lapse in funding. Here's what feds need to know.

Pay & Benefits

House Overwhelmingly Passes Defense Bill With Leave Benefits, Setting Up Confrontation with Trump

Although the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act has bipartisan support in both chambers of Congress, the president has threatened to veto the must-pass bill over unrelated matters.

Pay & Benefits

Salary Council: Federal Workers Make 23% Less than Private Sector Counterparts

The advisory council on federal compensation recommended that Carroll County, Ill., be added to the Davenport-Moline, Iowa-Ill., locality pay area.

Pay & Benefits

Lawmakers Make Last Ditch Push for Payroll Tax Deferral Opt-Out

Despite efforts, it appears unlikely the administration will reverse course on forcing federal workers to temporarily skip paying taxes that go toward Social Security.