Pay & Benefits

Will Feds Be Asked to Sacrifice More in 2014?

President Obama promises to leave feds' pensions alone in his next budget proposal.

Pay & Benefits

Don’t Worry About Obamacare – Feds’ Health Benefits Are Safe

As FEHBP enrollees peruse their options during open season, it’s important for them to remember they can keep their coverage if they want.

Pay & Benefits

Back Pay Is On the Way

Federal employees this week will recover the pay they missed during the government shutdown.

Pay & Benefits

Banks Reach Out to Furloughed Feds

With paychecks hanging in the balance, banks offer loans and credit to federal workers.

Pay & Benefits

Furloughed Feds Will Get Paid for Oct. 1 -- Eventually

Employees on unpaid leave during shutdown also should not rule out retroactive pay.

Pay & Benefits

Military Community Feels the Effects of Furloughs, Too

The sequester might be old news for the public at the moment, but it’s anything but to civilian and military government employees.

Pay & Benefits

Flu Shots Fall Victim to the Sequester

Air Force will no longer provide free shots to civilians, instead investing in broader health initiatives.

Pay & Benefits

A Gloomy Fall Forecast for Fed Pay, Benefits

Federal employees and retirees face the possibility of more furloughs, an extended pay freeze and smaller COLAs in 2014.

Pay & Benefits

A 'Measly' Pay Raise Is the Least of Feds' Worries

Contributing more for pensions and the threat of governmentwide automatic spending cuts are bigger issues.

Pay & Benefits

Losing ‘Use It or Lose It’

Flex spending account changes and STEM volunteering.

Pay & Benefits

Don’t Give Up on a Pay Raise

President Obama has until Aug. 31 to officially issue his fiscal 2013 recommendation.

Pay & Benefits

TSP Trends, Pricey Crises

Thrift Savings Plan meets debt crisis, separated parents and the IRS.

Pay & Benefits

TRICARE Fertility Care

A provision in a Senate bill would expand health care coverage for certain military personnel unable to conceive children.

Pay & Benefits

Is Telework Good For Your Health?

Tell us whether working outside the office allows you to adopt a more wholesome lifestyle.

Pay & Benefits

Wielding the Ax

Firing a fed is not easy, but it’s not mission impossible either.