Pay & Benefits

Calculating Pay

A new online calculator helps feds to do their own math.

Pay & Benefits


Will President Obama let federal employees leave work early for Christmas?

Pay & Benefits

Freeze Fears

The debate over federal pay and benefits intensified this week.

Pay & Benefits

It Could Get Worse

Federal pay and benefits face a fate worse than anything that could have come from the super committee.

Pay & Benefits

Shelter from the Storm

Federal managers and employees fought their way through rough conditions this year. And next year's forecast isn't great, either.

Pay & Benefits

Super Committee Countdown

Will federal pay and benefits take a hit in the panel’s deficit reduction plan?

Pay & Benefits

FERS Fact Check

How much do federal employees contribute to their overall retirement benefits?

Pay & Benefits

Playing Defense

The issue of military compensation reform continues to percolate amid talk of Defense budget cuts.

Pay & Benefits

Super Secretive

What’s the latest on deficit reduction proposals related to federal pay and benefits? You’d never guess from watching the public super committee hearings.

Pay & Benefits

Reviewing the 3Rs

OPM wants to know how much agencies spent on recruitment, retention and relocation incentives during the past two years.

Pay & Benefits

Workers’ Compensation Woes

Benefits for employees hurt on the job need an upgrade, but nothing is changing -- yet.

Pay & Benefits

Tough Times

There are a few pieces of good news mixed in with the bad -- how do the changes and lack of changes affect you? Take our survey.

Pay & Benefits

Training Day

Vets’ benefits get a boost under changes to the Post-9/11 GI bill.

Pay & Benefits

Insurance Extensions

Lawmaker proposes disability coverage for feds; Defense expands TRICARE offerings.

Pay & Benefits

Incentive Wisdom

Smart allocation of cash rewards will keep agencies afloat during tough budget times.

Pay & Benefits

Per Diem Plus

GSA and VA detail extensions of existing per diem regulations.

Pay & Benefits

Partner Perks

OPM may have the power to grant same-sex spouses health benefits, and feds offer assistance to hurricane victims.

Pay & Benefits

Earthquake Ease

OPM offers assistance in dealing with the stress of traumatic events.

Pay & Benefits

Pension Restoration

How much interest did Uncle Sam end up paying on the G Fund?

Pay & Benefits

August Leave

Brush up on the rules for taking annual and sick leave -- and tell us how you use yours.