Pay & Benefits

Goals for Giving

The CFC appeals to employees and eases the donation process online.

Pay & Benefits

Sick Leave Slowdown

Legislation allowing more federal employees to cash out accrued sick leave at retirement isn't dead yet.

Pay & Benefits

Unfounded Fears

The economy and stock market might be in a tailspin, but federal employees shouldn’t start panicking about their benefits just yet.

Pay & Benefits

FSA Perks

As open season approaches, the flexible spending account program may be worth a second look.

Pay & Benefits

A Fresh Start

SEC’s collaborative approach to rebuilding its failed pay-for-performance system might offer lessons for other agencies.

Pay & Benefits

Healthy Choices

A look at benefit changes for some of FEHB's most popular plans as premiums rise.

Pay & Benefits

TSP Tumult

Investors antsy to make more trades should remember that the federal employee retirement plan isn’t designed for that.

Pay & Benefits

Car-Free Feds

GSA encourages federal employees to dump their cars on Sept. 22.

Pay & Benefits

Helping Hand

Many federal employees benefit from job security in a struggling economy, but it doesn’t inoculate them against hard times.

Pay & Benefits

Long-Term Considerations

OPM warns of possible changes to the federal long-term care insurance program.

Pay & Benefits

Smarter Self-Assessments

How you write your annual performance appraisal could mean the difference between mediocre and exceptional ratings.

Pay & Benefits

Silent Treatment

The presidential candidates have been mum on the campaign trail about the future of the federal workforce.

Pay & Benefits

Inching Along

Federal pay and benefits issues haven’t been eclipsed completely by politics this election year.

Pay & Benefits

A Sick Leave Remedy

Employees in a newer retirement system could soon have an incentive to think twice before calling in sick.

Pay & Benefits

Life Investment

Participation in the TSP's newest fund offering has more than doubled since 2005.

Pay & Benefits

Time Is on TSP’s Side

Lawmakers should not rush discussions of a bill that would decrease congressional oversight of the federal employee retirement savings plan.

Pay & Benefits

Racing the Clock

With the upcoming elections, Congress has even less time than usual to approve the 2009 pay raise.

Pay & Benefits

Playing Catch Up

The federal government would do well to follow the private sector’s lead on benefits for same-sex partners.

Pay & Benefits

The Price of Public Service

There’s more to the federal pay reform debate than dollars and cents.

Pay & Benefits

Passing Through

Legislation related to federal employees’ pay and benefits is moving along at a fast clip in the House and Senate.