Pay & Benefits

Paybanding Evolution

New regulations give IRS supervisors more and more flexibility to set pay, as long as it’s not according to the General Schedule.

Pay & Benefits

Pay Ploy?

A new analysis tests the idea that alternate pay systems are a tactic to decrease pay.

Pay & Benefits

Caring for Others

How are federal employees handling their child care costs?

Pay & Benefits

Shielding Benefits

Federal employment protects benefits where the private sector can’t.

Pay & Benefits

Cleared for Higher Pay

New study shows workers with security clearances earn about 25 percent more than their noncleared counterparts.

Pay & Benefits

Raising Expectations

Can federal employees trust top officials' promises that they won't be denied salary increases in performance-based pay systems?

Pay & Benefits

Executive Extras

Which agencies are the most generous when it comes to executive bonuses?

Pay & Benefits

Budgeting Benefits

Analysts suggest deficit reduction tactics that would make a dent in federal employees’ benefits.

Pay & Benefits

Highest Honor

Roughly one in 1.8 million federal employees receive the government’s top award for civilian service each year.

Pay & Benefits

Exit Strategy

Federal employees save more money and more time for retirement than the average American worker.

Pay & Benefits

Off With the Offsets

Lawmakers still are trying to repeal Social Security offsets for government employees.

Pay & Benefits

Free Advice

How to get free financial tips from your federal colleagues.

Pay & Benefits

Rating Benefits

Federal employees say they are happy with time off and sick leave, but satisfaction falls off after that.

Pay & Benefits

Feeling the Squeeze

Agencies with high personnel costs and stagnant budgets are asking their employees to make sacrifices.

Pay & Benefits

Take Time, Give Life

Federal employees get 30 days of extra leave to serve as organ donors.

Pay & Benefits

Popularity Contest

Long-term care insurance isn’t as popular as new dental and vision plans, but employees may be wise to give it a second look.

Pay & Benefits

Free Ride

The IRS raises the maximum transit subsidy to $110 a month in 2007, a nearly 5 percent increase over the 2006 level.

Pay & Benefits

Part Time? Not This Time

President Bush’s proposal to end the penalty for switching to part-time work gets lost in the shuffle.

Pay & Benefits

Figuring Next Year's Pay

What the president’s and Congress’ decisions will mean for your paycheck in 2007.

Pay & Benefits

Ho, Ho, Ho, Off to Work

Don't bet on getting any extra time off at Christmas this year.