Pay & Benefits

Pay Parity Problems

House lawmakers vote down an amendment calling for military-civilian pay parity in 2005.

Pay & Benefits

Scrap the System

Seven Democrats call on the Defense department to drop its proposal for overhauling the civilian personnel system and start over.

Pay & Benefits

Words of Kindness

A senator with an extensive banking background praises the Thrift Savings Plan.

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Lowering the Bar

Lawmakers blast a Homeland Security proposal that would lower the standard of proof needed to discipline or fire an employee.

Pay & Benefits

Shattered Dreams

Federal labor unions' measured support for Homeland Security personnel reforms is giving way to angry denunciations.

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Pentagon Parley

Navy Secretary Gordon England will serve as point man for negotiations with organized labor over controversial proposed changes to the Pentagon’s personnel system.

Pay & Benefits

Pay Raise Malaise

Federal workers are up in arms over President Bush’s proposed 1.5 percent raise for civilian federal employees in his fiscal 2005 budget.

Pay & Benefits

Space Transformation

House approval moves a NASA personnel reform bill to the launch pad.

Pay & Benefits

Two Raises

OPM loosens restrictions to allow Senior Executive Service members to get more than one pay raise this year.

Pay & Benefits


Federal Law Enforcement officers try again to ease pay compression in their top ranks.

Pay & Benefits

The End Is Near

Details about the Homeland Security Department’s new personnel system are forthcoming, officials say.

Pay & Benefits

Holiday Hangovers

The things Congress didn’t do for federal employees in 2003.

Pay & Benefits

Raising the Roof

Senior Executive Service members will get some salary stretching room in 2004.

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Pay Bonding

A look at how three agencies have tackled the challenge of linking pay to performance.

Pay & Benefits

Performance Problem

The Defense Department is taking on a task that has eluded virtually every other federal agency: creating an effective, credible, trusted performance evaluation system.

Pay & Benefits

It's Not About the Money

The leaders of agencies voted the best places to work in government say pay isn't what motivates their employees.

Pay & Benefits

'Tis The Open Season

Open enrollment for federal health plans and flexible spending accounts begins Monday.

Pay & Benefits

Graduation Day

A bill that increases the amount of money agencies can spend repaying employees' student loans gets a passing grade.

Pay & Benefits

The Right Stuff

Officials weigh the need for pay-for-performance against the difficulty of implementing it.

Pay & Benefits

Back to the Future

The government still grapples with many of the same personnel problems it faced 25 years ago when the Civil Service Reform Act became law.