Pay & Benefits

Upping the SES pay cap

A bill to increase SES pay hits the House. Plus: jumping in the new S and I funds and adjusting federal pensions.

Pay & Benefits

Past TSP performance

A look at the 10-year performance of the five funds in the new Thrift Savings Plan.

Pay & Benefits

Congress calls for higher federal pay raise

Federal workers should get a 4.6 percent average pay raise next year rather than President Bush’s proposed 3.6 percent raise, lawmakers said late Thursday night.

Pay & Benefits

Pay parity pursuit

A Senate Republican speaks out for a higher federal pay raise next year.

Pay & Benefits

TSP countdown

The revamped Thrift Savings Plan, with two new investment options, debuts in five days.

Pay & Benefits

Eyeing health benefits, premiums

Your health insurance premiums will probably rise substantially again next year, but don’t expect new benefits for your money.

Pay & Benefits

Understanding TSP contributions

Answers to your questions on how to map out TSP contributions.

Pay & Benefits

Pushing a pay raise

A 4.6 percent average federal pay raise is looking more and more likely. Plus, bills on the Hill, IRAs and smart TSP planning.

Pay & Benefits

The cost of benefits

Why so many federal pay and benefits ideas never become reality. Plus, pay parity and TSP expenses.

Pay & Benefits

A quicker TSP start

New employees have to wait for up to a year to begin receiving matching contributions on their TSP investments—at least for now.

Pay & Benefits

Free health care!

Some Defense civilians get a break on health insurance premiums. Plus, higher TSP limits and long-term care news.

Pay & Benefits

Meet the S fund

Learn about a new TSP fund, available in May, that covers a diverse range of companies.

Pay & Benefits

Meet the I fund

You’ll have two new Thrift Savings Plan investment options starting in May. Here’s an introduction to one of them. Plus, special patent pay and benefits talk.

Pay & Benefits

Pension push

Federal retirees aim their political clout at the much-hated Government Pension Offset. Also, overpaid managers and underpaid Justice Department attorneys.

Pay & Benefits

Reality check

Congress and OPM are giving agencies the authority to offer more benefits to employees. But where’s the money to pay for those benefits?

Pay & Benefits

Student loan help on hold

President Bush has delayed a loan repayment regulation. Plus a new retirement hotline and new faces on a key House panel.

Pay & Benefits

Where things stand

An update on the status of six of the hottest pay and benefits issues affecting federal employees.

Pay & Benefits

Pay projections

Will military and civilian personnel get the same pay raise next year?

Pay & Benefits

TSP time

It's time to start thinking about how changes in the Thrift Savings Plan will affect your investment options this year.

Pay & Benefits

Fill 'er up

Good news for federal travelers: The mileage reimbursement rate for travel by car is going up.