
GovExec Daily: Congress and Investment in Defense Firms

The Project on Government Oversight's Dylan Hedtler-Gaudette and Nathan Siegel join the podcast to discuss ethics, Congress and the Pentagon budget.


GovExec Daily: IRS Hiring in the Big Climate Bill

Eric Katz joins the podcast to discuss the Inflation Reduction Act.


GovExec Daily: What Happens After The Mar-A-Lago FBI Search?

Federal employment attorney Dan Mayer joins the podcast to discuss records management and what feds need to know.


GovExec Daily: Getting More Women into Federal Policing

Courtney Bublé speaks to Cathy Sanz, president of the group Women in Federal Law Enforcement, about gender issues in law enforcement.


GovExec Daily: Telling the Story of the Fall of Kabul

Producer Bradley Hope joins the show to discuss a new podcast about the evacuation and Taliban takeover in 2021.

Pay & Benefits

GovExec Daily: Financial Tips From a TSP Millionaire

Financial professional and longtime fed Abraham Grungold joins the podcast to discuss the Thrift Savings Plan


GovExec Daily: Criminal Referrals at the Border and Immigration Policy

Syracuse University's Austin Kocher joins the podcast to his latest immigration research.


GovExec Daily: The Decision That May Upset the Administrative State

Don Kettl joins the podcast to discuss the Supreme Court's decision that could change the regulatory state.


GovExec Daily: The State of Women in Federal Law Enforcement

Courtney Bublé joins the podcast to discuss gender and policing.


GovExec Daily: Securing the Human Side of Elections

Alliance for Securing Democracy's David Levine joins the podcast to discuss a new report on deterring threats to election workers.


GovExec Daily: How the Pandemic and Economic Climate Has Affected Women

The National Women's Business Council's Pamela Prince-Eason joins the podcast to discuss how inflation and other factors have impacted entrepreneurs.


GovExec Daily: Where Congress is Directing Pork Barrel Spending

Citizens Against Government Waste's Thomas Schatz joins the podcast to discuss wasteful spending and his organization's 2022 Pig Book.


GovExec Daily: Schedule F Might Be Coming Back

Eric Katz joins the podcast to discuss one of the Trump administration's signature workforce policies.


GovExec Daily: How to Oversee $1 Trillion Dollars in Relief

Small Business Administration IG Hannibal “Mike” Ware joins Courtney Bublé to discuss COVID-19 oversight.

Pay & Benefits

GovExec Daily: How to Plan For Your Retirement

GovExec Daily guests from the last year discuss the TSP, planning and preparation for your life after work.


GovExec Daily: USGS is Fighting the 'Blood Diamond' Trade

Peter Chirico joins the podcast to discuss how the U.S. Geological Survey is tracking and surveying the mining and selling of blood minerals.

Pay & Benefits

GovExec Daily: The G Fund is Now the Biggest Core TSP Fund

Dallen Haws joins the podcast to discuss the Thrift Savings Plan.


GovExec Daily: The Pendulum Shifts Toward Workers

Wharton's Stephanie Creary joins the podcast to discuss the management-labor dynamic emerging from the pandemic period.


GovExec Daily: The Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Decreased Autonomy for Tribes

Indigenous legal scholar M. Alexander Pearl joins the podcast to discuss last month's high court decision.


GovExec Daily: Using Technology to Hire the Best Talent to the Public Sector

Todd Gustafson, President of HP Federal, joins the podcast to discuss the workforce issues that the federal government faces.