
GovExec Daily: Joe Biden's IT Priorities in the White House

Former federal CIO Vivek Kundra joins the podcast to discuss the information technology and cloud computing challenges the new president will face.


GovExec Daily: How Will Alejandro Mayorkas Lead DHS?

Eric Katz joins the podcast to discuss President Joe Biden's pick for the Homeland Security Department.


GovExec Daily: The Biden Inauguration

Courtney Bublé and Tom Shoop join the podcast to discuss the new administration and Wednesday's festivities.


GovExec Daily: Inaugurations and Presidential Mandates

Dr. Julia Azari joins the podcast to discuss Joe Biden's mandate amidst a pandemic and a deeply divided public.


GovExec Daily: Federal Land Management During Trump's Term

Bloomberg Government's Kellie Lunney joins the show to discuss the outgoing president's public lands legacy.


GovExec Daily: How Biden Can Make Government Work Better

Peter H. Schuck joins the podcast to discuss how the president-elect can realign government to meet more people's needs.


GovExec Daily: Who Left Government Service During the Last Four Years

GovExec contributor Daniel Lim joins the podcast to discuss workforce attrition under Donald Trump.


GovExec Daily: How the Official Time Decision Will Affect Federal Employee Unions

Erich Wagner joins the podcast to discuss how the EEOC ruling will affect feds.


GovExec Daily: The 'Infamously Opaque' Capitol Police

Courtney Bublé joins the podcast to discuss why law enforcement was so unprepared for the insurrection at the Capitol.


GovExec Daily: The View of the Insurrection From D.C.

GovExec Daily examines, from the host's and producer's point of view, what Wednesday's events meant.


GovExec Daily: Getting the Best People into the Civil Service

Dr. Lisa Parshall and Dr. Jim Twombly join the podcast again to talk about how to make public service jobs more attractive to more people, including paying feds more.


GovExec Daily: The Administrative State Under the Trump Presidency

Dr. Lisa Parshall and Dr. Jim Twombly join the podcast to discuss their book on the outgoing president's effects on the federal government.


GovExec Daily: Agencies' Vaccination Progress

Eric Katz joins the podcast to discuss Defense, VA and other departments are progressing in inoculating people.


GovExec Daily: Native Communities, the Federal Government and the Pandemic

Northern Arizona University professors Dr. Lisa Hardy and Dr. Kerry Thompson join the podcast to discuss how tribal governments are handling the COVID-19 crisis.


GovExec Daily: Feds' Anti-Gag Rights During the Transition

Government Accountability Project's Irvin McCullough and Aman Panjwani join the podcast to discuss whistleblower rights at the end of the Trump administration.


GovExec Daily: Pay and Benefits Provisions in the Budget Deal

Erich Wagner joins the podcast to discuss how the federal workforce made out in the appropriations plan.


GovExec Daily: The Relief Funding and Local Governments

Route Fifty's Bill Lucia joins the podcast to discuss how state, city and municipalities fare in the new stimulus bill.


GovExec Daily: What We Know About the Massive Hack

Nextgov's Frank Konkel joins the podcast to discuss the data breach affecting agencies and contractors.


GovExec Daily: Examining President Trump's Rhetoric

Katherine McIntire Peters and Tom Shoop join the podcast to discuss the ways the 45th president has made his mark on government, leadership and politics.


GovExec Daily: Revisiting 2020 Election Security

The Alliance for Securing Democracy's David Levine joins the podcast to discuss how elections can be more secure in the wake of the recent presidential contest.