
Will Trump’s Use Of Executive Privilege Help Him Avoid Congressional Oversight? It Didn’t Help Nixon

President Trump has invoked executive privilege to stymie congressional investigators. Another president, Richard Nixon, did the same thing. It helped Nixon hold onto power – but only for a while.


Infrastructure Week Isn’t a Joke Anymore

A deal with the Democrats may now be Trump’s best chance for a legislative win ahead of 2020.


Viewpoint: The Mueller Report Was My Tipping Point

I was a Trump transition staffer, and I’ve seen enough. It’s time for impeachment.


Analysis: Be Grateful for the Mueller Report

The president of the United States is not a traitor. That’s a good thing.


Marijuana Legalization – A Rare Issue Where Women Are More Conservative Than Men

Could mothers be responsible for the gender gap? Or are other factors at play?


The Shutdown Showed How Precarious Americans’ Finances Really Are

What began as an impasse over the border wall became a warning sign of creeping instability.


Trump Isn’t Even Trying to Convince Voters on the Shutdown

The president and his party have grown accustomed to representing a minority of Americans—and ignoring majority opinion.


Congress Used To Pass Bipartisan Legislation – Will It Ever Again?

Most Congresses since the 1970s have passed more than 500 laws, ranging from nuclear disarmament to deficit reduction. Will today's bitter partisanship hamstring the new Congress' productivity?


An Awkward Beginning to Democratic Control of the House

The shutdown is undercutting the Democrats’ moment of triumph, muddling their opportunity to drive the national debate on their own terms.


What Obama Talks About When He Talks About Trump

At an appearance in Houston on Tuesday, the former president had no trouble explaining a reference to Trump as Voldemort.


What a New Crop of Veteran-Lawmakers Means for Democrats

They could be the start of a redefined party that’s more closely associated with national security.


Everything's Political to Trump, Even Killing Osama Bin Laden

In an interview on Fox News, the president dismissed William McRaven as a Hillary Clinton ‘fan’ and asked why it took so long to get the al-Qaeda leader.


An Open-and-Shut Violation of Campaign-Finance Law

The relevant law is favorable to candidates. But it appears Trump still managed to violate it.


The Rocky Trump Transition Is Headed To Netflix, Thanks To Barack Obama And Michael Lewis

Michael Lewis's "The Fifth Risk" is about the botched transition from Obama‘s federal government to Trump‘s.


Partisanship Runs Deep In America - Even Among ‘Independents’

The true number of people who do not favor either of the two major political parties in the U.S. has actually remained stable in recent years.


Analysis: Why The Anonymous Op-Ed Sets A Dangerous Precedent

An expert argues why the anonymous op-ed in The New York Times can hardly be considered an act of civil disobedience and why it might make things even worse in the Trump administration.


What John McCain’s Death Means for Republican Control of the Senate

After the late Arizonan’s prolonged absence, the appointment of a replacement by Governor Doug Ducey will temporarily bolster the GOP’s advantage.


Trump’s Meeting With Putin Draws Alarmed Responses From Both Parties

The president’s remarks casting doubt on Russian interference in the 2016 election drew rebukes both implicit and explicit from those close to, and within, his own administration.


Trump Blames Bad Relations With Russia on Everything but Russia

In Helsinki, the president preferred to pin the problem on “many years of U.S. foolishness and stupidity.”