
Obama Lights National Christmas Tree in Festive, Musical Ceremony

About 17,000 guests huddled under blankets as the White House kicked off the holiday season with the 90th National Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony.


One Minute of Advice From Steve Jobs You Must Hear

A newly unearthed video reveals Steve Jobs' vision of the world and views on life’s possibilities.


Leadership Spotlight: Cindy Orellana, NIST

A look at the work of a young Presidential Management Fellow working with DHS and FEMA.


It’s Time to Let Government Workers Sleep on the Job

With the benefits of napping becoming increasingly clear, it's time to let public sector employees rejuvenate the way nature intended them to.


Analysis: Americans Need to Re-embrace Sacrifice

One thing is clear: Whatever steps are necessary to restore the economy will require money and pain.


3D Printing and the Rise of Products as Service

Now is the time for governments to get involved in the Maker community to enable an entirely new marketplace to emerge: Products as a Service.


NASA Shoots Awesome New Photos of Earth at Night

New technology enables stunning new views of Earth's faintest city lights.


In the Face of Loss, How Gratitude Helped Me Thrive

When the author’s beloved dog passed away, an experiment in gratitude helped her through and deepened her relationship with her husband


Best Practices Do Not Work

When it comes to change management, stay as far away as possible from implementing "cookie cutter" best practices in your organization.


3 Ways Smart IT Can Reform Government

Three prescriptions for government agencies looking to accelerate reform through information technology.


1,000 Chainsaws Delivered: How GSA Supports Sandy Relief

Acting Administrator Tangherlini explains how GSA's Disaster Relief Program provides critical support to federal agencies assisting in the ongoing recovery from Hurricane Sandy.


Gallup: Most Government Workers Like Working in the Public Sector

Though the majority of Americans would much prefer to work in the private sector.


For a Leader, Which Matters More: Marriage Vows or the Oath of Office?

Reconsidering how we think about public figures' personal responsibilities.


The Four Skills Employees Need in 2013

Employers are looking for particular skill sets in new and current employees.


Mars Curiosity's ‘History Making’ Discovery Revealed, With a Caveat

NASA announced the discovery of organic compounds on the surface of Mars, though won't yet say if they originated from the planet's surface.


Obama Tackles Questions about Fiscal Cliff on Twitter

President Obama took to Twitter to answer people's questions about tax increases associated with the fiscal cliff negotiations.


Sitting for More Than an Hour is Terrible for Your Health

More companies are pushing for standing desks citing growing evidence that sitting results in severe negative health consequences.


'Zero Dark Thirty:' Hunting Down Osama Bin Laden All Over Again

So much of this movie is real, and in new and surprising ways, which makes it newsy and relevant here and now, three weeks before its release. A review of Kathryn Bigelow's thorough and satisfying depiction of the most famous manhunt of our time.