
Nine Government Reforms Obama Should Discuss with Romney

President Obama said in his first post-election press conference that he was going to ask Governor Romney’s advice on government reform. There has been a lot of advice developed in recent months! Here are some potential resources for them to draw upon.


Is the TSA Killing Us?

Many will take to the roads over Thanksgiving to avoid the hassle of air travel--and that leads to higher traffic fatalities.


3 Ways to Leverage Your Time to Restore Work-Life Balance

Determine your top life priorities and make sure you allocate the proper time investment to all of them.


Drive Change Using the Lurk and Listen Method

The key to successful change lies in employees--employees from the mailroom to the boardroom.


Emerging Innovation and Social Media Trends: Networked Sensors

How networks of public and private sensors can change how the public sector operates during routine or emergency operations.


Photo: Obama is Not Impressed

President yuks it up with U.S. Olympic gymnast McKayla Maroney


Understanding Continuing Resolutions and Government Shutdowns

Managing through the unknown: A look at how budgetary uncertainty is adversely affecting agency operations.


How Not to Start a Second Term: The Case of Richard Nixon

To celebrate his landslide victory in 1972, Nixon dropped a bombshell on his own administration.


The Rise and Fall of David Petraeus -- TIMELINE

Former CIA director David Petraeus's decades-long and highly praised career took a definitive stumble in November when he resigned from his post...


Senate Aide Wants to be a Millionaire

Senate staffer gets chance to go big on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?"


Giant Duck Urges Lame Duck Congress to Avoid Fiscal Cliff

Comically large mallard urges congressional leaders not to “duck their responsibilities” during lame duck session.


How Can Good Management Help Avoid the Fiscal Cliff?

Reducing the cost of government programs through better management of program operations could play a significant role in the framework for a 10-year budget deal.


There's Nothing Lazy About Working from Bed

Is clacking away on a laptop in bed more comfortable and productive than at a desk? Of course!


The 3 Basics All Organizations Need To Survive

Teams that thrive during uncertainty have developed these three basic principles.


3 Bad Research Techniques That Will Ruin Your Work

In light of bad polling during the election, a look at other bad research methods that will foul a study.


3 Simple Steps to Manage Change and Transition

Three ways to help your team, and yourself, get through the changes ahead.