
The Philosophical Case for Staying Hopeful in Dark Times

We can acknowledge the very real pain and suffering in the world today while still living with hope.


A Ray of Hope in Government Management

Execution of the first round of Cross-Agency Priority Goals shows tangible results.


Innovation By and For the Government

The long, onerous and costly federal acquisition process makes it hard to attract private innovators.


The Case for Evidence in Government

Data alone can’t provide insight into the effectiveness of government programs—sophisticated analysis is vital.


Making Trump's Government Reforms Stick

Agency plans are due this week — that’s just the beginning for federal managers.


Knocking the Negativity Out of Your Career and Life

The nattering nabobs of negativity can suck the joy out of every situation if you let them.


6 Reasons to Be Excited About Changes to the Combined Federal Campaign

A charity that aims to help federal employees in need believes the changes will result in a more effective and efficient fundraising mechanism.


Wanted: Good Leaders For Government. Must Have People, Not Just Technical, Skills

The best person for a job may not be the one who best knows how to do the work but the one who can get the best work out of others. A scholar examines the nature of leadership.


Memo to Government Reformers: Don’t Forget the Soft Stuff

Everyone wants to work in an environment where their contribution is recognized and valued.


The Only Safe Email is Text-Only Email

It's impossible to be certain of safety while using Gmail, Yahoo mail and other web-based email systems. The best solution is a radical one: It's time to return to plain, text-only email."


The No. 1 Reason Why Your Presentation Sucks

Fear of public speaking is a sign that you’re definitely making this mistake.


A CEO Makes the Case That Young Employees Are Better at Solving Problems

With age comes wisdom, but with wisdom comes less creative problem-solving.


How Agencies Can Find and Develop Future Leaders

Like so many problems in our organizations, the pain is mostly self-inflicted.