
Power Causes Brain Damage

Over time, leaders lose mental capacities—most notably for reading other people—that were essential to their rise.


Can Employees Embrace Government Restructuring?

The success (or failure) of the Trump administration’s plans depends on the answer.


Waking Up Early For Work Could Quite Literally Be Killing You

Ignoring your internal clock could be dangerous, or even deadly.


What the U.S. Can Learn From India’s Government Reform Efforts

Public progress reports are key, and naming and shaming laggards doesn’t hurt either.


How the Army Recruits and Retains Millennials

Lessons from the military on making the most of your ambitious millennial workforce.


There’s a Limit to Doing More With Less, And Many Feds Have Reached It

Eighty-five percent of government leaders believe their workload will increase, but only 20 percent think their resources will keep pace.


Staying Out Late Two Days a Week Is Worse For Your Health Than You Think

Even if you sleep in and catch up on sleep, staying up late on weekends can wreck your body.


A Simple Mental Trick Can Help You Figure Out Who’s Telling a Lie

If it comes down to which person to believe, sometimes your best bet is to trust your gut.


Government Needs to Redefine the HR Function

Human resources offices were not staffed or enabled to play a prominent role in what promises to be a contentious restructuring.


Five Ways to Reform Government With a Focus on the Customer

Agencies must submit their plans to the White House Office of Management and Budget by the end of June.


To fix Infrastructure, Fix the Budget Scoring Process

The way the system works, there’s no penalty for failing to provide ongoing maintenance.


Documenting Conversations With Your Boss Can Be Smart

When it's your word against your manager's, it helps to have to have proof.


You Can’t Run Government Like ‘a Great American Company’

But with the right approach, the Trump administration does have a real opportunity to transform it.


You’re Probably Taking the Best Part of Your Office Job for Granted

Once you hit your 30s, marriage and kids can make it hard to spend time with your friends. Thankfully, there's a solution: Hanging out with your friends at work.