
What Can You Expect From Another COVID Winter?

The pandemic should be better this winter than last, but it's important to accept the virus will never go completely away. "COVID is here to stay."


Feds and Their Contractors Should Know Their Numbers

Imagine a world where every employee had one performance measure they were accountable for moving.


The ‘Great Resignation’ Is a Trend that Began before the Pandemic – and Bosses Need to Get Used to It

A record share of workers quit their jobs in September. A human resources scholar explains how this is a trend that predates the pandemic.


Why So Many Unions Oppose Vaccine Mandates – even when They Actually Support Them

The reasons have a lot to do with the nature of unions as representative of workers’ views, as well as the importance of protecting their right to bargain.


Diversity in Government Digital Services a Win-Win

Investing in minority- and women-owned small companies is a smart choice for both agencies and the customers they serve.


Why Ageism Should Be an Urgent Issue For Everyone

“COVID hit us over the head with a two-by-four," says the executive director of the Maine Council on Aging.


5 Ways to Turn Your Anxiety into Something Useful

The author of a new book has some tips on how you can transform your anxiety into a "superpower." One tip is as simple as looking at your phone les


Competition Drives the Gender Pay Gap? Maybe Not

New research investigates the theory that women aren't as competitive as men, and that this contributes to the gender wage gap.


Sleep ‘Sweet Spot’ May Mean Less Cognitive Decline

A new study in older adults shows people who slept too much or too little experienced greater cognitive decline than those who slept a moderate amount.


Is It Time to Ditch Daylight Saving Time?

Daylight saving time comes with a host of negative consequences. Should the United States scrap DST? An expert weighs in.


Are You Really Smart, or Is It Just Google?

We may be losing the ability to perceive our own intelligence because we can quickly google the answer to just about any question.


What Do Federal Workers Really Want?

New research sheds light on how to support and retain top talent.


Workers Feel Most Valued when Their Managers Trust Them

A new study found that having a trusting manager made employees feel more positively about their work.


The Future of Work Is Hybrid – Here’s An Expert’s Recommendations for Success

Even when the pandemic ends, the vast majority of U.S. companies are expected to let many employees continue to work at least part time from home.


Three Pandemic Lessons for the Next Crisis

What we've learned from dealing with COVID-19 could improve the federal response in the future.


How Government Is Failing Public Servants

A new book argues that federal and state governments need to articulate a vision for training their workers for problem solving in the 21st century.


Racist Housing Policy from 80 Years Ago Still Affects Maternal Health

"This is further evidence of the influence of a legacy of structural racism on the disproportional burden of adverse pregnancy outcomes for Black women..."


Does Happiness Slow Down Cognitive Decline?

After tracking people for 12 years, researchers found that those with better psychological well-being had lower odds of developing cognitive impairment.


The Pandemic Has People Stuck in a Bad Mental/Physical Loop

The pandemic has created a cyclical problem by harming mental health while also making it more difficult for people to maintain physical activity.


How Reframing Stress Can Make It Work for You

New research finds that reappraising stress can help you use it as a tool to perform, rather than an obstacle keeping you from success.