
What Would Happen If American Senators Worked Like the French?

If Senators took a few tips from the French work week, the political process would still run as smoothly (ahem) as ever.


Study: Stressful Jobs Make Life Shorter

Researchers found that unhealthy workplaces can affect mortality.


Why Things Go Wrong

When an acquisition process is flawed, the outcome isn’t hard to predict.


Goal Power: Use It, or It’s Useless

If cross-agency priority goals are viewed as an annoying requirement, they won’t work.


Stop Complaining About Your 'Long' Work Week, in 2 Charts

People toiled for many more hours in the Industrial Age than they do in the digital one.


How Stress and Worrying Can Make You Sick

Feeling overwhelmed affects everything from digestion to stroke risk.


Building Leadership Strength for the Next Administration

Transition roadmap leverages the talent of top executives.


How the OPM Breach Affected Hiring for Clearance Jobs

Recruiters expect to be dealing with the aftermath for months, if not years.


A Simpler Way to Manage People

Performance management is both a battlefield and a minefield.


The Next Budget Crisis Is Days Away. Is There a Better Way?

The building blocks for reform are largely in place.


Why Do So Many People With the Flu Still Come Into Work?

Money is part of it, but the guilt they feel about burdening their colleagues weighs on them just as heavily.


People Should Demand Compliments More Often, Harvard Study Says

Those who are reminded of times they’re at their best are more successful.


Hangovers Cost the Economy Billions of Dollars

Excessive drinking doesn’t just result in a high bar tab, it also lowers productivity and costs the country billions.