Retirement Planning

What happens to my insurance when I leave the federal government?

Most of your benefits can be continued in retirement -- if certain conditions are met.

Retirement: How to navigate the current chaos

Amid “deferred resignation” turmoil, federal workers are in uncharted territory. Here’s a little guidance.

The unplanned retirement dilemma

If you hadn’t given much thought to retirement before receiving the Trump administration's "deferred resignation" email on Jan. 28, you may be in for a few surprises—not all of them pleasant.

Figuring out the ‘Fork in the Road’

The Trump administration’s “deferred resignation” offer has federal employees scrambling for answers and facing tough choices.

How to prepare for an unexpected retirement

Some readers with fears about the future of their jobs under the next administration reached out for advice.

The Social Security Fairness Act: What we know so far

It may take time to implement this new law -- here’s what you should know for now.

More! on the windfall elimination provision and government pension offset

Many Civil Service Retirement System retirees are hoping for an early Christmas present from Congress.

What difference does 2.5% make?

Here's what a Dec. 31, 2025 retirement might look like with a 4.5% increase in pay for 2025 compared with only a 2% increase.

Open season and tax savings

Monday is the last day to enroll in or make changes to your benefits for 2025. What are you doing this weekend?

Look before you leap into a private sector job

It might not be the win you think it is when you do the math.

Retirement decisions that can't be reversed

Here are the retirement decisions that require careful consideration since they cannot be changed.

A primer on the FERS supplement

The Federal Employees Retirement System supplement can get complicated, so we answer some of your key questions about it.

Your Open Season Q&A

Open Season begins on Nov. 11 for active and retired federal and postal employees. Let's get you ready.

Revisiting the WEP and GPO

How the Windfall Elimination Provision and the Government Pension Offset cause substantial, and often, unfair reductions in Social Security benefits for CSRS retirees.

10 important facts about Medicare

Some things you need to know when approaching Medicare eligibility.