Pay & Benefits

Agencies Are Shutting Down More Activities, Furloughing More Workers as Funds Run Dry

Depleted funds from prior years and collected fees could sink agencies that had kept themselves afloat.


FBI Field Offices Collect Food Donations for Unpaid Employees

Normally quiet and nonpolitical agents association publishes shutdown damage report.

Pay & Benefits

Will Cities Pay Federal Workers During the Shutdown?

San Jose is offering its airport workers loans during the shutdown. More cities are following.


Trump’s ‘Major’ Border Deal Is No Deal for Democrats

The president offered three-year protection for “Dreamers” and immigrants with protective status in exchange for $5.7 billion in border-wall funding. Democrats rejected it out of hand.


White House Widens Its Clampdown on Congressional Travel

After cancellation of Pelosi trip, OMB instructs agency security teams to get permission.


Lawmaker Warns Shutdown Will Stop SEC From Policing Bad Actors

New House Financial Services Committee chairwoman's oversight agenda includes reversing changes at consumer protection bureau.


Waiting for a Shutdown to End in Disaster

Aides on Capitol Hill fear that a dramatic government failure may be the only thing to force President Trump and the Democrats back to the table.


‘Tens of Thousands’ of Government Contractors Laid Off Due to Shutdown

The prolonged government shutdown is getting "pretty scary" as the number of federal employees and contractors forced out of work could impact the nation’s next jobs report.

Pay & Benefits

Bill Would Give Feds Immediate Financial Relief From Shutdown Through $6,000 Loans

Legislation is a common-sense follow-up to guaranteeing furloughed feds back pay once government reopens, sponsors say.


Federal Service Contractors Blitz Capitol Hill to Protest Shutdown

Democratic senators applaud union tactic of delivering unpaid bills to majority leader.

Pay & Benefits

As Congress Continues to Flounder, Agencies Begin Recalling Thousands of Furloughed Workers

Federal agencies are gearing up for a long-term shutdown, bringing on 40,000 more employees to work without pay.

Pay & Benefits

Analysis: The Shutdown Will Harm The Health And Safety Of Americans, Even After It’s Long Over

The shutdown poses a very real threat to preparedness for future emergencies, such as natural disasters and disease outbreaks.