
Young Americans Deserve a 21st-century Moonshot to Mars

Americans need a new multi-decade Moonshot that will inspire several generations to shoot for the stars and pursue careers in space engineering and exploration.


The Moment That Made Neil Armstrong’s Heart Rate Spike

Real-time data from the Apollo 11 astronauts, carefully monitored by Mission Control, capture the frenzied maneuvers that put men on the moon.


NASA Will Go Looking for Alien Life

The agency plans to launch a spacecraft to Titan, a moon of Saturn with some crucial ingredients for habitability.


A Robot Has Been Stuck on Mars for Months

NASA will conduct a delicate rescue mission to free a probe trapped just inches below the Red Planet’s surface.


NASA Managers and Contractors Significantly Lowballed Space Mission Costs, Watchdog Found

Despite cost overruns and schedule delays, the space agency awarded Boeing and Lockheed Martin $200 million in performance awards, GAO noted.


The True Price of Privatizing Space Travel

As NASA opens up the International Space Station to private astronauts, the romance of space will be within reach for those who can afford it.


A Short History of Presidential Vacillation: Mars or the Moon

President Trump now says he wants NASA to focus on Mars instead of a second moon landing.


Space Force Clears Senate Committee After House Attempt to Stall

The Senate Armed Services Committee’s legislation “greatly increases the odds that we end up with some sort of a Space Force,” one expert says.


House Panel Rejects Space Force

The Pentagon’s arguments are unconvincing, a House Appropriations Committee subcommittee says.


Pentagon Wants to Test A Space-Based Weapon in 2023

Defense officials have asked for $304 million to fund research into space-based lasers and particle beams, and other new forms of missile defense next year.


NASA Could Go to the Moon Next Year

The agency is willing to ditch its own billion-dollar rocket in favor of a commercial one, to meet a very tight deadline.


The NASA Decision Russia Didn’t Like

The International Space Station partners had differing opinions about a pivotal U.S. launch.


NASA Is Rushing to the Moon

In the agency’s most ambitious dreams, it will be testing moon-landing systems within the next five years.


Rosalind, a New Mars Rover, Is in Rare Company

The cosmos is crowded with the names of men, but a 2020 mission will make the balance a little less lopsided.


NASA Declares a Beloved Mars Mission Over

The space agency will stop trying to contact the Opportunity rover, which was sent to Mars to search for evidence of water.


The Air Force Has Won Control of the Space Force

Six months ago, service leaders said they were being cut out of the planning process. Now they’re being put in charge of it.