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GovExec Daily: The G Fund is Now the Biggest Core TSP Fund

Dallen Haws joins the podcast to discuss the Thrift Savings Plan.

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Things to Consider Before Moving Money Into TSP's G Fund

Many of the funds in the government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program are seeing losses from market downturns, but the G Fund is growing.


GovExec Daily: The TSP, Sustainability and the Mutual Fund Window

Bryon McGannon joins the podcast to discuss what the limited mutual fund window could mean for sustainable investing.

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TSP Funds Tumble Again in June

The federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings plan continues to suffer from tumult in financial markets.


GovExec Daily: The TSP Service Transition is Not Going Well

Erich Wagner joins the podcast to discuss his reporting on the Thrift Savings Plan’s new web-based services following the transition to a new recordkeeper.

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TSP Officials Promise Service Will Improve After a Difficult Transition to the New Recordkeeping System

Staffing at the call center that serves participants of the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program has already increased 66%, with more on the way.

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Feds Can’t Sue Over TSP Gains Lost During Shutdowns, An Appeals Court Finds

A group of FBI employees had argued they were entitled to damages, because delayed TSP contributions meant they missed out on gains from a rising stock market.

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TSP Woes Continue Two Weeks After Tech Transition

Participants reported delayed account disbursements a full two weeks after the transition to a new recordkeeper was complete.

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The TSP Board's Nominees Have Now Been Confirmed, With One Exception

Biden's pick to chair the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program’s board must go through a more arduous process.


GovExec Daily: What the TSP Changes Mean For Feds

Erich Wagner joins the podcast to discuss the ways the retirement savings plan is shifting, on the board and with its service provider.

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TSP Participants Bemoan Bumpy Recordkeeper Transition

Federal employees and retirees have reported problems with setting up new accounts for online access to the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program, and the agency’s call center has been deluged.

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Most of Biden's TSP Nominees Are Free to Be Confirmed, Now That GOP Senators Have Lifted a Hold

The lawmakers changed course after the nominees committed to being “highly skeptical” of proposals to include Chinese investments in the Thrift Savings Plan’s offerings.

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GOP Senators Issue a Last-Minute Demand that the TSP Delay Mutual Fund Window

With just a week before the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program begins offering mutual funds to its participants, some lawmakers warned it could lead to federal employees investing in China.