Pay & Benefits

VA Will No Longer Use Its Marquee Civil Service Reform Law to Punish Employees

The Biden administration unwinds a key Trump legislative victory, citing a series of setbacks the law has endured.


VA Is Hiring at a Record Rate. Employees Say It's Still Not Enough.

Nearly every VA employee thinks its facility is understaffed, according to a new survey, despite the department's unprecedented hiring spree.


VA Claims Progress in Union Talks. The Union Begs to Differ.

AFGE officials say department management continues to push illegal proposals in contract negotiations, and that claims the parties have reached “tentative agreements” are fabricated.


Veteran Deaths Lead Lawmakers to Call for VA to Renegotiate Oracle EHR Contract

Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Jon Tester said that VA should “negotiate an entirely new contract” with Oracle Cerner following the revelation that the EHR system has resulted in the deaths of four veterans.


VA Broke Settlement Agreement, Continued Bad Faith Bargaining, Arbitrator Finds

The American Federation of Government Employees and the Veterans Affairs Department have negotiated fruitlessly over a new union contract for more than a year.


Why Combat Veterans Are Turning to Oxygen Therapy for PTSD

The unapproved and, to some, unproven treatment is attracting many PTSD patients for whom other treatments have failed.


VA Announces Winners of $20M Challenge to Prevent Veteran Suicides

The 10 winners of the VA’s Mission Daybreak challenge developed innovative solutions that leveraged technology, artificial intelligence and mobile apps to help reduce the number of veteran suicides.

Pay & Benefits

VA Docs Are One Step Closer to Earning More than $400K Annually

A Senate committee advanced a sweeping compensation overhaul for VA health care workers that would create a more market-based pay system.


Homelessness Among Veterans Has Been Cut in Half since 2010, VA Says

In Texas, the number of homeless veterans has dropped 65% between 2007 and 2020, according to the National Alliance to End Homelessness.


VA Is Much Slower at Setting Appointments When Sending Vets to the Private Sector for Care

The department is failing to meet its less ambitious goals for health care appointments outside its own system.


The House Passes a Bill to Give VA Medical Employees Greater Union Rights

The VA Employee Fairness Act would grant medical professionals the right to bargain over scheduling and official time, and to file grievances over pay disputes.


VA Hopes Its Staffing Progress Will Help With the Looming COVID Wave

Officials are still looking for new tools to staff up, including by removing a $400,000 annual pay cap for some employees.


'It's a Great Time' for Laid off Tech Workers to Take a Job at VA, Agency CIO Says

During a media call on Friday, the VA’s CIO and CTO discussed the department’s efforts to attract new talent amid thousands of layoffs across the tech sector.


Officials Seek to Reassure Lawmakers Skeptical VA Can Staff Up to Meet New Obligations

VA will soon provide new care and benefits to millions and lawmakers have concerns about its capacity.


VA Used COVID Relief Funds to Bolster IT and Digital Services

The VA used supplemental COVID funding from three different bills to support expanded telehealth services and remote operations during the worst of the pandemic.


Thousands of Veterans Deluge VA with Claims for Toxic Exposure Benefits, Health Care

The VA is processing claims at its fastest rate ever, as hundreds of thousands of veterans apply for health care under a toxic exposure law.