
Viewpoint: Federal Workers Need to Know Their Anti-Gag Rights

Whistleblower rights supersede speech restrictions, and any gag orders that neglect to spell that out are illegal.


Groups Request Reminder of Federal Employees’ Whistleblower Rights

They are concerned agency heads could be scaring employees away from disclosing wrongdoing.


GovExec Daily: The Dangers of Schedule F

The Project on Government Oversight's Nick Schwellenbach joins the podcast to talk about the workforce order and its effect on the civil service.


Anonymous Voice Of America Employees Protest New Director 

Robert Reilly has a “troubling history of mismanagement at VOA” and is “openly hostile to Muslims and Gays,” wrote the whistleblowers’ senior counsel.


House Considers New Whistleblower Protection Rules 

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer’s proposal would protect the identities of federal whistleblowers. 


Viewpoint: Whistleblowers are Democracy’s Last Defense

When brave individuals speak up against wrongdoing, they can mitigate the damage and prevent further harm.


DHS Union Asks for Removal of 'Illegal Gag Order' Asking Employees to Report on Colleagues

Department said that asking staff to inform on coworkers is necessary to protect national security and federal personnel.

Pay & Benefits

Appeals Court Overturns Dismissal of EEOC Attorney’s Retaliation Claims

D.C. Circuit Court finds that a lower court improperly dismissed a lawsuit by an EEOC attorney who said the agency interfered with her pay and benefits and denied reasonable accommodation requests over her filing discrimination claims against federal agencies.


New Trump Administration Strategy Leaves Fired Feds Seeking Recourse in Indefinite Purgatory

Select agencies are finding success in allowing firings to persist by arguing appeals board judges cannot legally issue rulings.


Office Created to Protect Whistleblowers and Discipline Senior Execs Is Doing Little of Either

Trump has praised the office, but a new internal report shows it has recommended discipline in just 0.2% of cases.


Watchdog: OSHA Had Trouble Processing Whistleblower Complaints Efficiently Even Before Coronavirus Hit

During the first four months of the pandemic the agency received 30% more complaints than during the same period in 2019. 


Federal Employee Protection Agencies Clash Over When to Protect Federal Employees

Special counsel says a judge at the Merit Systems Protection Board is setting a dangerous precedent that would harm federal workers.


Lawmakers Look to Further Strengthen Whistleblower Protections

Bills in the House and Senate would ban federal officials from blocking employees from sharing information with Congress, prohibit retaliatory investigations and protect more workers.


New Federal Workers More Likely to Be Fired After Filing Whistleblower Complaints

Between 17% and 69% of workers in their probationary period who filed whistleblower retaliation complaints were fired in 2018, GAO finds.


‘I Was Met With Indifference’: Whistleblower Testifies on HHS Leaders' Response to His Early Coronavirus Concerns

Former vaccine agency director removed from position after speaking out implores Trump administration to let federal scientists "speak truthfully without fear of retribution."


GovExec Daily: What Whistleblowers are Facing During Coronavirus

The Project on Government Oversight's Nick Schwellenbach joins the podcast to discuss the challenges whistleblowers see during the pandemic and beyond.


Office of Special Counsel to Federal Employees: We’re Here to Protect You

As the office takes steps to protect its own employees, OSC has created a coronavirus task force to handle the rise in whistleblower disclosures and charges of retaliation.