
A Data Strategy That Benefits Veterans

VA's Chief Data Officer Kshemendra Paul talks about the agency's "secret weapon."


The VA Is Planning New Health Record Deployments, Despite Critical Watchdog Reports

Two upcoming go-live dates for the Cerner health record at VA facilities in Washington and Ohio will proceed on schedule, the agency says.


The VA's New Health Record Is Still Putting Patients at Risk

The transition to Cerner's electronic health records system at the Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center in Spokane is still being hindered on multiple fronts more than a year after go-live.


The $1.5 Trillion Funding Bill Makes Small Tweaks to IT Policies and Funding

There's no Technology Modernization Fund boost in the omnibus passed by Congress, but there are multiple small moves supporting IT modernization at federal agencies.


A Modernized IT Dashboard is Set to Launch in Mid-March

The legacy 2009 website containing schedule, spending and risk data for federal IT projects is offline while a modernized replacement is finalized.


Vista Modernization Still a Priority at VA, but Funding Is a Question

Two instances of the homegrown electronic health record have been moved to the cloud as part of a pilot project, but it's not clear if funding or support exists for more cloud migration as VA transitions to a commercial electronic health record.


The Defense Health Record System Still Faces Cyber and Training Issues

The annual report from the Office of the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation at the Department of Defense finds some improvement but ongoing issues with MHS Genesis.


The SEC Looks to Expand Cyber Coverage

The Securities and Exchange Commission is taking a new look at how it asks publicly traded companies to disclose cybersecurity risks.


The Hill Gets Serious About Digital Services

The House of Representatives is launching a digital services team, after recommendations from the House Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress.