Pay & Benefits

Study forecasts hiring surge in critical government jobs

Many new hires expected in public health, homeland security and veterans services.

Pay & Benefits

OPM urges agencies to review age limits for new hires

Memo follows MSPB ruling about violation of veterans preference.

Pay & Benefits

Limited Flexibility

Proposals to cap flexible spending accounts could gain traction in the health care debate.

Pay & Benefits

Budget office predicts hiring reforms would cost $40 million

Supporters say figure is a small price to pay for streamlined recruitment strategies.

Pay & Benefits

Postal Service to offer buyouts

Up to 30,000 APWU and mail handlers union employees will be eligible to receive $15,000.


Focus Groups


Jobs in Government


Recovery Act Contracting


Xe/Blackwater News


Congress weighs program to groom Defense civilian leaders

Legislation is aimed in part at helping department recruit and train thousands of acquisition employees.


Background Checks, New Media-Style

Pay & Benefits

Proposals to split SES and eliminate review boards spark debate

Group representing senior government leaders agrees with many of the other recommendations in a new report.


What Can A-Rod Teach Us About HR?


More About Furloughs


OPM creates office to oversee the Senior Executive Service

Central unit will make management of the top ranks of federal officials more efficient, personnel chief says.


On Guard

Despite criticism, DHS moves ahead with programs to beef up border protection and cybersecurity.


CBO: Federal Executive Boards would need more money under legislative proposal

Senate bill would replace current funding stream of voluntary contributions from participating agencies with an annual budget.

Pay & Benefits

Help Wanted

KSAs might be obsolete, but Uncle Sam hasn’t come up with an alternative.

Pay & Benefits

Lawmakers renew push for public service scholarships

Third round of legislation would direct money to students who commit to federal careers.

Pay & Benefits

Stopping Saturday mail delivery could mean layoffs for USPS

Postal Service official tells House lawmakers he hopes cuts would come through attrition.