
Postal Service ends first quarter of fiscal 2012 in the red

Losses of $3.3 billion come during what is typically the strongest time of year due to holiday mail volume.


Budget debate pits military retiree interests against those in active duty, analysts warn

Personnel costs are the '600-pound gorilla,' CSBA president says.


Keeping employees could be tougher than attracting them, officials say

Retention and branding are major human capital challenges, VA and Education CHCOs say.


Survey says only 2.3 percent of college students want federal jobs

Government should overhaul its pay system to help generate more interest in vacancies, nonprofit says.

Pay & Benefits

Hiring Help

Job fairs are a step toward meeting the challenge of bringing more veterans on board.

Pay & Benefits

Houses passes bill extending pay freeze one year

Measure introduced by Rep. Sean Duffy, R-Wis., gained the support of 72 Democrats.


Wired for Retirement

Thomas Trabucco, a driving force behind the Thrift Savings Plan, finally gets to rest on his laurels.


Proposal extends medical leave to veterans' families

FMLA amendments would allow related caregivers up to five years of leave after a service member leaves the military.

Pay & Benefits

House to consider pay freeze extension

Union leaders call proposal a 'political ploy' because the fate of federal employees’ pay is tied to that of lawmakers’ salaries


Defense Budget's Civilian Cuts -- Explained

Pay & Benefits

Defense budget plan cracks down on pay hikes

Both military and civilian raises would be limited under strategy for cutting $487 billion over 10 years.

Pay & Benefits

411 on 401(k)

The TSP board will release more information on the Roth option next week.

Pay & Benefits

Panel debates cuts to federal retirement benefits

Proposals to reduce lawmaker benefits prove popular at congressional hearing.

Pay & Benefits

Thrift Savings Plan administrative expenses stay steady

Increase in forfeitures due to employees being placed in the wrong retirement system helps keep costs at bay.


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