
Orszag Is Out


And the Answer Is ...


Anti-Census Sentiment

Pay & Benefits

TSP seeks to administer death benefits more efficiently

Rule change would make it easier for retirement plan officials to find beneficiaries and disburse payments.

Pay & Benefits

Feds get time off to care for domestic partners, but not pets

Personnel agency clarifies that same- and opposite-sex partners qualify for certain leave programs, rejects a request to include companion animals.

Pay & Benefits

Pay-freeze pitches are ‘demoralizing,’ says Virginia Democrat

Rep. Gerry Connolly encourages colleagues to be more supportive of the federal workforce.


Obama picks Pentagon official as intelligence chief

Lt. Gen. James Clapper might not be a popular choice with some lawmakers, according to reports.


Panel endorses performance-based pay for Defense intelligence employees

System is well-designed and the Pentagon should continue rolling it out as soon as implementation flaws are addressed, independent experts recommend.

Pay & Benefits

Personnel agency opens long-term care to same-sex partners

Final rule is identical to a 2009 draft proposal and takes effect on July 1.


Minerals Management Service chief steps down

Resignation comes as the agency is under criticism for oversight failures that contributed to the Gulf oil spill.


Bill to ease presidential transitions heads to full Senate

Oversight committee passes the bipartisan legislation without any changes.

Pay & Benefits

Deadline for burning accumulated comp time is fast approaching

A three-year grace period on a rule to prevent workers from hoarding compensatory time off will end on May 22.

Pay & Benefits

Bill with 2 percent pay raise awaits Obama’s signature

For the first time in recent years, civilian federal employees are headed for a lower increase than members of the military.


Administration calls language gutting Pentagon pay system ‘premature’

The results of an ongoing review will help lawmakers make informed decisions about the future of the pay-for-performance arrangement, White House says.


OMB is working on how to collect efficiency advice from feds

Obama called for ideas to improve government operations during his April 25 radio address.


Obama asks rank and file feds for cost-cutting tips

Managers aren’t the only workers with good ideas, president says.

Pay & Benefits

Retirement reform bill clears the House

Legislation allows FERS employees to count unused sick leave toward retirement and claim credit for previous service if they return to government.


Agencies to reap billions of dollars from stimulus package

Signed bill retains funding for building maintenance and repairs, energy efficiency projects and information technology upgrades.


Senate stimulus bill also contains windfall for federal agencies

The $825 billion package allocates funds for construction, operations and energy efficiency projects.


Agencies close in on goals for faster security clearance processing

Officials are optimistic the government will hit a target of reducing processing times for most initial requests to 60 days by the end of 2009.