
Army defends plans to centralize National Guard centers

Officials anticipate the centers will be larger and more technologically advanced than existing reserve and Guard installations.


Rumsfeld expected to restore funding for cargo aircraft

Defense secretary working with OMB to restore funding during fiscal 2007 and fiscal 2008 budget cycles.


Pentagon acquisition nominee faces tough questions

Kenneth Krieg promises to work with Congress to reduce acquisition cycle times, control costs and breathe new life into the defense industry.


Deputy Defense nominee fields questions over shipbuilding, acquisition

Navy Secretary Gordon England vows to fix the department's acquisition mechanism.


Senators aim to derail Pentagon plans to scrap C-130J

An amendment to the emergency defense spending bill would prohibit funds from being spent to terminate the $4.1 billion contract for the aircraft.


GAO says problems justify rebidding C-130 contract

Watchdog agency says award was tainted because Darleen Druyun, formerly the Air Force's second-ranking acquisition official, was biased in favor of Boeing.


Air Force tells senator it will alter C-130J contract

Modifications will ensure contract complies with traditional military procurement rules.


Pentagon plans to consolidate forces in Europe take shape

Troop levels would be cut from 62,000 to 24,000 in the next five to 10 years.


Puerto Rico seeks to protect its lone military base

Delegation offers plan to sell off part of National Guard property in order to avoid base closing.


Lawmakers seize on fine print to fend off base closing

Illinois lawmakers hang their hopes on statute that mandates approval by governor before closing National Guard facilities.


Bush fills Pentagon's top acquisition post

Acting Undersecretary Michael Wynne gets the job temporarily, while Kenneth Krieg is nominated to fill it permanently.


Senator questions Army's 'Future Combat System' process

Acquisition method used to develop system under scrutiny by Sen. John McCain.


Sources say senator is blocking base closure nominations

Sen. Trent Lott, a staunch opponent of BRAC, may prevent confirmation of former VA Secretary Anthony Principi and eight other panel nominees.


Lobbyists work base-closing issue; effectiveness unclear

Defense analysts question whether the millions of dollars being spent on lobbying activities will pay off.


Seats on base-closing panel no guarantee of success for states

Commission members are supposed to be above politics, and questions regarding conflicts of interest have been raised against two Bush nominees.


Senator to question Army's acquisition of tech network

Commercial designation of program source of concern for Sen. John McCain.


Navy seeks to issue a new order: Abandon shipyards

With Navy leaders envisioning a fleet of smaller, faster and more agile ships, the future of the country's large shipbuilders is sinking fast.


Subcommittee voices dismay over Defense supplemental spending

Predictable costs associated with operations in Iraq and Afghanistan should be in the baseline budget, GOP chairman tells military service chiefs.