
Two-year base-closing delay could derail process

A proposed delay in the next BRAC round would give states and their lobbyists two more years to fight for their bases.


Air Force tanker controversy prompts changes, probes

Pentagon officials are mulling a decision about whether to proceed with the $23.5 billion plan to acquire 100 Boeing 767 refueling tankers.


House panel votes for two-year delay of base closings

One lawmaker warns, however, that pushing back the schedule could result in a more aggressive round of closures.


New attack plane faces cuts as defense bill takes shape

The F/A-22 could face $300 million in cuts to help pay for an increase in troop strength.


Senate intelligence panel approves authorization bill

Measure includes a series of proposals to restructure intelligence agencies and operations.


Senator insists budget absorb increases in troop strength

The Bush administration should have asked for funds for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan in its $401.7 billion fiscal 2004 budget request, lawmaker contends.


New stealth fighter plagued by overheating

Sophisticated components in the F/A-22 Raptor could cause a serious glitch: overheating as the jet idles on the runway.


Pentagon urged to consider R&D in base closings

Rep. Heather Wilson, R-N.M., introduced a bill Wednesday that would require the Pentagon to consider the military value of research, development and testing facilities in the next round of base closings.


House committee ponders approach to base closings

Bipartisan support for delaying the 2005 base realignment and closure round is beginning to grow.