Author Archive

Arthur Allen


Bird Flu tests are hard to get. So how will we know when to sound the pandemic alarm?

If the government doesn’t prepare to ramp up H5N1 bird flu testing, researchers warn, the United States could be caught off guard again by a pandemic.


The CDC faces a dilemma over recommending a new COVID booster for all

Some in the scientific community argue the government should be recommending the shot only for frail, older, sick, and immunocompromised people.


Boost Now or Wait? Many Wonder How Best to Ride Out COVID's Next Wave

Many undervaccinated Americans have lost interest, and others aren’t sure whether to get boosted again now or wait for vaccines reformulated to target newer strains of the virus.


How Pfizer Won the Pandemic, Reaping Outsize Profit and Influence

The drugmaker has the best-selling vaccine to prevent covid and the most effective drug to treat it. Its success has overshadowed the government’s covid-fighting strategy.


How Fauci and the NIH Got Ahead of the FDA and CDC in Backing Boosters

With real-time data streaming in from highly specialized researchers in the U.S. and abroad, NIH scientists became convinced that boosting the COVID-19 vaccine was needed to save lives. A meeting Friday will determine what happens next. Here’s the story from behind the scenes.


Federal Vaccine Program Hasn’t Helped Those Whose Lives Were Altered by COVID-19 Shot

A national vaccine court has paid out billions to families who could prove their kids were injured by vaccines. But there’s only a skeletal program for the rare victims of covid vaccination, raising concerns as the pressure for mandated shots grows.


When Your Chance for a COVID-19 Shot Comes, Don’t Worry About the Numbers

The Johnson & Johnson vaccine that the FDA cleared Saturday was 66% effective overall in preventing moderate to severe covid, while the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were more than 90% effective. But the numbers aren’t exactly comparable. And all three shots prevent hospitalization and death.