
Benghazi Panel Wants 'Interview' With Clinton on Emails

The House committee hopes the former secretary of State will agree to a sit-down to explain her actions.


Why Only One House Committee Is Investigating Hillary Clinton's Emails

The House Oversight panel had suggested it would do its own probe, but is standing down for now.


Clinton Won't Hand Over Server, Says Emails Are Gone

Benghazi panel Chairman Gowdy complains she "unilaterally decided to wipe her server clean."


Clinton Email Probe Means Political Tightrope for House GOP

Republicans probing Benghazi and Clinton's emails insist they're not part of the party's 2016 campaign.


McConnell: No Trafficking Bill, No Lynch Vote

Republicans say they won't bring the attorney general up for confirmation until Democrats relent.


FutureGen is Done: Energy Ends Troubled Bush-Era Coal Electricity Project

A 12-year-old vision for a public-private partnership to create an advanced, climate-friendly coal-fired power plant has come to an apparent end.


Obama Proposes Protecting Oil-Rich Alaskan Wilderness From Oil, Gas Drilling

Oil giants Shell, ConocoPhillips and Statoil hold drilling leases in Arctic waters, but ANWR was next target.


Obama Taps Budget Official to Replace John Podesta in White House Inner Circle

Brian Deese will take over Podesta’s climate and energy portfolio as the White House rushes to complete green initiatives and counter GOP attacks.


Polls Give Obama, Dems Lift on Keystone Pipeline

Two new surveys suggest that the public is ambivalent about the project.


Obama's Two Minds on Natural Gas

The White House celebrates the natural-gas boom, so why is it hitting industry with new regulations?


White House Environmental Adviser to Resign

Mike Boots led the Council on Environmental Quality since February 2014


Obama, Democrats Take Keystone XL Fight to Republicans

Pipeline opponents grabbed the spotlight as the new congressional session began.


White House Floats New Climate Guidelines for Energy, Infrastructure Development

The administration is releasing new plans instructing federal agencies to assess greenhouse-gas emissions as part of a broader effort to address climate change.


Koch-Backed Group Says EPA Joins CIA in 'Torture'

A conservative, pro-fossil-fuels group is out with a provocative claim: EPA tortures too. With climate-change regulations.


John Kerry Seeks Republican Support for U.S.-China Climate Pact

Cabinet officials are working to build support for the carbon-pollution agreement that has drawn strong attacks from the GOP and industry groups.


White House Hints at Keystone Veto

Obama spokesman notes administration has taken a "dim view" of past Keystone bills.


Obama: The Oil-and-Gas Boom Is Awesome. But Stop Bugging Me About Keystone.

The president called the pipeline "one small aspect" of the energy picture.


Obama's Climate Diplomat Explains What a Paris Emissions Deal Should Look Like

State Department climate envoy Todd Stern describes and defends the U.S. vision of a new global pact.


Democrats Say Climate Change Is As Big a Threat As ISIS

A new poll shows how Democrats and Republicans view security threats to the U.S.


The Head-On Politics of Going Around Congress on Climate Change

White House faces collision with GOP over global pact that wouldn't go through Senate.